
Seedling refining methods and matters needing attention of vegetables in early spring

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Seedling refining methods and matters needing attention of vegetables in early spring

Although the epidemic situation is serious, the vegetable basket is still unbreakable. now many early spring vegetables have begun to be planted one after another, but in refining seedlings, the seedlings are very likely to suffer frost injury and disease damage after planting. So how to refine the seedlings of vegetables in early spring? What should Lianmiao pay attention to? Let's get to know it with the editor.

1. Seedling training time

The time of seedling refining is generally controlled in one week, and generally carried out 7-10 days before planting. Temperature control, water control and proper ventilation are generally carried out in the first 5-7 days, and continue to cool, water control and comprehensive ventilation in the last 3-4 days, so as to promote the seedlings to fully adapt to the environment after transplanting. Cooling should be carried out step by step, water control should also be appropriate, and ventilation should be from small to large. In addition, the low temperature seedling training time can neither be too long nor too short, and the seedling training time is too short to play the role of strong seedlings. However, if the seedling refining time is too long, it is very easy to form aging seedlings, which is not conducive to slow seedling, but also easy to premature senescence, which is extremely disadvantageous to the later growth.

2. Seedling refining method

Ten days before planting, the temperature of the seedling bed should be reduced gradually, the ventilation rate and ventilation time should be increased appropriately during the day, the shed should be built in the evening, and the temperature should be cooled slowly by leaving a proper amount of gap. The temperature can be slightly higher during the day, while the night temperature can be as low as 12 degrees Celsius. Under the condition that the seedlings are not frozen, the night temperature can be reduced as much as possible. In low temperature seedling refining, the seedling growth is slow, water should be properly controlled, and before seedling refining, potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be sprayed to improve the stress resistance of seedlings. In autumn, as long as the seedling does not wither at noon, it does not need watering as far as possible. if there is a withering phenomenon, you can pour a small amount of water or spray water to make the seedlings return to normal growth.

3. Matters needing attention in seedling refining

When refining seedlings, we should always pay attention to the weather forecast. In case of cooling and cold snap, we should cover the seedling shed in advance in time at night to prevent frostbite. During seedling refining, the low temperature should be reasonable, and too low temperature will cause problems such as yellow leaves, thin stems, stiff seedlings and so on. When refining seedlings, we should timely eliminate those weak and underdeveloped seedlings, appropriately increase the distance between seedlings and increase the permeability. After planting slow seedlings, it is necessary to enlarge the temperature difference between day and night to squat seedlings. This will promote the seedlings to become stronger.

The above is the introduction of vegetable seedling refining methods and matters needing attention in early spring. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.