
Key points in the management of sesame capsule stage

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Key points in the management of sesame capsule stage

In the sesame capsule stage, the vegetative growth and reproductive growth go hand in hand, and the management of this period is the key to obtain high yield, so what measures can be taken to increase the yield in the sesame capsule stage? With the editor, let's take a look at the key points of the management of sesame capsule stage.

1. Reasonable topdressing

Topdressing in the flowering stage of sesame can promote the flower bud differentiation of sesame, and the fertilization method of ground and foliar spraying can be adopted. generally, if the soil has better fertility, urea can be applied once in the early flowering stage. however, if the land with poor soil fertility needs to be applied once more, generally 7.5-10 kg of urea is applied per mu. In the sesame bud to the early flowering stage to re-apply fertilizer, flowering capsule depends on the seedling supplement, foliar fertilizer should be sprayed twice in the early flowering stage, each mu sprayed 150-200 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 100 grams of borax, diluted with 50 kg lack of water.

2. Waterlogging prevention and drought resistance

In the sesame capsule stage, light will cause blighted grains to increase, heavy will wilt and die, so timely ditch drainage after rain to reduce field humidity to ensure the normal growth and development of sesame. But also can not be too dry, this will also affect the yield and quality, so in case of drought should be timely irrigation, irrigation should be carried out in the morning and evening, try to avoid high temperature stage, to avoid flooding.

3. hit the top at the right time

In the later stage of sesame blooming, the leaf nodes at the top of the main stem are clustered. When it almost stops growing, choose a sunny morning to remove the top 3-4 cm, which removes the apical advantage of sesame, makes nutrients concentrated on pod growth, and promotes the improvement of yield and quality.

4. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

The main diseases and insect pests in the growth process of sesame are bacterial wilt and leaf spot, so it is necessary to focus on prevention and control. Carbendazim or methomyl can be used for spray control in the early flowering stage, spraying every half a month, continuously spraying 2-3 feet. For aphids, we can choose imidacloprid pesticide spray and other imidacloprid pesticide spray, and the effect is better.

The above is the introduction of the key points of the management of the sesame capsule period. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.