
Planting technique of spring sowing garlic

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting technique of spring sowing garlic

Garlic is an indispensable side dish for many people, and it is grown all over our country. When planting garlic, it is usually sown in spring. So in the spring, many people will start growing garlic one after another, but some people don't know how to grow it. So the editor brings you the planting technology of spring sowing garlic today. Let's take a look at it with the editor.

1. Land selection and preparation

When we sow garlic in spring, the first thing we need to do well is to choose the site. Garlic is a non-continuous cropping crop, at the same time, it can not be planted with onion garlic and other crops. Otherwise, the plant will be too weak, the leaves will also appear yellowing phenomenon, resulting in serious diseases and insect pests. Therefore, the previous crops of spring sowing garlic are mainly corn, potatoes and other crops. Then we have to do a good job of soil preparation and fertilization, the soil should be rich in organic matter, soft and fertile soil. It is necessary to do a good job in soil preparation, fertilize deeply and pour frozen water before winter.

2. Selection of planting garlic

After we have chosen the land, we have to choose to grow garlic. Garlic should be grown mainly with garlic with bright white color, hypertrophy of terminal buds, no diseases and insect pests and no wounds. Garlic cloves with broken buds and rot should be eliminated in time. Then according to the size of garlic species to do a good job of large, medium and small classification, separate management. Remove the garlic skin and the dried stem plate to improve the water absorption capacity of garlic. Finally, the sowing time is determined according to the soil environment and weather changes to ensure the normal growth of garlic.

3. Sowing seeds at the right time

When we determine the spring sowing time of garlic, we mainly take the soil thawing as the standard, and after the soil thaws, we can almost sow the seeds. Under normal circumstances, it should be planted about 3 days after Rain Water's solar terms. The sowing method of garlic is generally based on high-ridge cultivation, which can ensure that the ground temperature is high enough, so that the unearthed time of seedlings is also very fast. When the bulb expands, it will not be subject to too much resistance from the soil, and the garlic will grow bigger.

4. Density depth

Because garlic is mainly direct seeding, we should also pay attention to control the sowing density when sowing. The row spacing should be kept at about 18 cm, and the plant spacing should be controlled at about 10 cm. Generally speaking, the consumption of garlic seed per mu is about 250 jin. Then we should also pay attention to control the sowing depth, garlic seeds can not be sown too deep. If the garlic seed is sown too deep, then the emergence time of the garlic seed will be too late, the seedling growth will be weak and the bolting time will become late. The depth of ridge cultivation should be about 4 cm, and if it is border cultivation, it should be kept at about 3 cm.

The above is a brief introduction of spring sowing garlic planting technology. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can be helpful to everyone.