
How to grow air pineapple √ flowers grow √ plant encyclopedia

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to grow air pineapple √ flowers grow √ plant encyclopedia

First, what to do after purchasing the air pineapple

Most of the air pineapples you own are purchased from two ways: first, group buying, advantages: relatively favorable prices, more varieties to choose from; disadvantages: long waiting period, and generally only spring and autumn can be purchased in groups. Second, online purchase, advantages: short waiting period; disadvantages: more expensive, less variety choice. But no matter from which way to buy, everyone must have a question: what am I going to do when Kongfeng gets home?

First of all, Kongfeng is a CAM plant (sedum acid metabolism), which is characterized by closing the stomata of the leaves during the day and opening the stomata of the leaves at night when the ambient temperature drops to an appropriate temperature, absorbing CO2 and releasing oxygen. Because of this, if Kongfeng needs to spray or soak in water, it is best to choose at night. It is personally suggested that after Kongfeng gets home, do not rush to soak in water, you can put Kongfeng in a more ventilated environment, then spray water on the leaf surface appropriately (the leaf is slightly wet), and then there is no need to spray water. Then observe for two days (if there is a problem, you can communicate with the seller as soon as possible), and then locate the maintenance after the third day.

After a period of maintenance, you will find that your empty Phoenix is not as beautiful as the one who has just returned. It will become greener and greener, which is a normal phenomenon, because the farm will apply fertilizer and corresponding elements to Kongfeng to make it more beautiful for sale, so after Kongfeng arrives at home for a period of time, the family culture environment can never be compared with the farm, so it is normal that Kongfeng is not beautiful when it has just been bought. In addition, Kongfeng may be angry after breeding for a period of time. The root of Kongfeng does not absorb fertilizer and water, but is only used to fix the plant. But the fact that Kongfeng has grown angry also proves that Kongfeng has adapted to your environment. But not every variety has a strong aerial root, such as the long stem of the empty Phoenix generally less aerial root.

In addition, you need to buy some appliances, such as spray bottles, flower plates, bark, ceramsite, snake sawdust, aluminum wire and so on. For the rest of the processor.

2. Cultivation methods of air pineapple

What kind of maintenance Kongfeng uses depends on your environment. There is no such thing as the best, only the most suitable.

1. Potted type

Advantages: convenient operation, good moisturizing, Kongfeng easier to adapt to the environment, faster growth.

Disadvantages: more space, to have a good ventilation environment, otherwise easy to rot.

What to do: prepare a flower plate. Plastic or pottery is fine, as long as it can be drained. Prepare some media, bark, snake shavings, orchid ceramsite, but I personally prefer to use bark, bark player finger size on it, and then put 80 {bf} bark into the plate, put on the empty Phoenix, and then fill the 20 {bf} bark around the empty Phoenix. Finally, and other empty Phoenix together with the use of general maintenance methods on it.

2. Hanging type

Advantages: less space, easy to operate, not easy to rot the plant core.

Disadvantages: the growth of empty Phoenix is slower than that of plate planting, and the humidity of empty Phoenix is not guaranteed, so it is necessary to spray water frequently, otherwise it is easy to dry.

Many people say that copper wire can not be used, otherwise Kongfeng can be easily poisoned. In fact, I think that empty Phoenix is a relatively solid plant, and copper wire is harmful to empty Phoenix. If it is to be released, it will be a very long process. Anyway, I personally have two empty Phoenix also raised with copper wire. After two years, they are still in good condition. It is not that I do not believe what my predecessors said, but I believe that everything should always be based on practice.

What to do: prepare the aluminum wire, then wind it along the bottom of the empty Phoenix, and then hang it in a place with more ventilation and proper light.

3. Empty bottle type (self-created mode)

Advantages: simple, convenient, not easy to break the core.

Disadvantages: not every kind of empty Phoenix can be used, has certain limitations, and is easy to be blown down by the wind.

Practice: choose the variety where the root part of the empty Phoenix is larger than the mouth of the bottle, select an empty bottle (I usually use a small mineral water bottle), and then put ceramsite and stone into it, in order to increase the weight of the bottle so that it is not easy to be blown down by the wind, and then put the empty Phoenix on the mouth of the bottle. In general, within two months, a root will grow, and the Phoenix bottle will be one.

Third, the four seasons conservation of air pineapple

1. Spring (February-April) (take Guangdong as an example)

Kongfeng is a plant free of diseases and insect pests (this is also its attraction), but it should also prevent the harm of uninvited guests such as rats and locusts. I would like to explain here that if Kongfeng is planted and wants it to grow well, don't play with it when you have nothing to do. If you want to see it, observe it without moving the empty Phoenix. Only in this way can Kongfeng grow well.

The growing season of Kongfeng is spring and autumn. There are more Rain Water in spring and higher humidity. From the end of the year, I usually spray water once a week. Because it is the growing season, I also use spray bottles to fertilize at the same time. According to my principle of fertilization, spray water first, then spray fertilizer, so that the empty Phoenix can be better absorbed. In addition, because of high humidity, do not drench water, because the air humidity is high, empty Phoenix is not easy to air-dry, very easy to rot core. But in general, if it is properly maintained in spring, the chance of rotten core is small.

2. Summer (May-August) (dangerous season)

Many people think that Kongfeng is a very leather and easy-to-raise plant, and most of them like the sun, so they don't pay much attention to it in summer. in fact, summer is the season with the highest annual mortality rate. Moreover, there are no signs before the death of Kongfeng, and it is often found after death that it is difficult for Fengyou to guard against. In order to prevent the appearance of dead Phoenix in summer, there are several points to pay attention to.

(1) avoid spraying water frequently and soak as little as possible

High temperature in summer, if the water does not evaporate and stay on the leaf surface after spraying moisture in a short period of time, the breathing hole of the empty Phoenix will be blocked and it will not be able to breathe. Coupled with the high temperature and accelerated metabolism, Kongfeng will be suffocated alive. Therefore, it is recommended to spray water every three days in summer, and do not apply fertilizer.

(2) proper shading

As Kongfeng is afraid of high temperature, more than 35 degrees Celsius is already a dangerous temperature, and if it is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, the leaves are extremely easy to burn. Therefore, it is very necessary to take appropriate measures to shade the empty Phoenix. It is enough for Kongfeng to use scattered light in summer.

(3) treatment after the occurrence of rotten core

If it is really unfortunate to find the broken core of the empty Phoenix (the leaves may have discoloration), try your best to save it, although the chance is slim. If it is a long stem-shaped empty Phoenix, please do not throw away the rotten core and lower stem, return to the normal maintenance mode, properly maintained, and have the opportunity to sprout lateral buds. But things like elves and butterflies are generally hopeless.

3. Autumn (September-November)

This season is the rapid growth season of the empty Phoenix, you can spray water more frequently (the premise is still a good ventilated environment), spray water, please choose night or morning time, do not spray water if the empty Phoenix is not dry, be sure not to bask in the sun, otherwise, empty Phoenix is extremely prone to sunburn. In fact, there is no special requirement for the water used to spray empty Phoenix, as long as it is non-toxic and harmless and has no chemical composition. You can use general water to water flowers, you can choose tap water, well water, filtered water and so on. I use fish tank water to spray empty Phoenix. In addition, the frequency of fertilization is not less than once a week. In autumn, empty Phoenix can give more light in the way of all-day sunshine, and the color of empty Phoenix will slowly begin to change with the end of autumn.

4. Winter (December to February)

In this season, empty Phoenix is mostly in bloom. According to my experience, more empty Phoenix, especially elves, will blossom during this period. The most important thing in winter is to keep out the cold. If the temperature is below 5 degrees Celsius, please try to take it indoors and put it back outside during the day. The temperature is dry in winter, so you can spray water three times a week. In addition, when you see the bud, try not to spray water on the bud so as not to rot. Just spray water on the leaves of Kongfeng. Spray to the root as much as possible.