
What should I do if the flowers are bald?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What should I do if the flowers are bald?

Some woody flowers, such as rubber tree, goose palm wood, Magnolia, bamboo banana, Brazilian wood, etc., after growing for many years, the middle and lower parts of the trunk and side branches are often bare and leafless. The ways to solve the problem of flower bald pole are as follows:

(1) T-type plant shape pruning method: t-type plant shape means that the leaves only grow on the top of the trunk, and there are no leaves below the top, and the whole plant is like a green umbrella, like the shape of the letter "T'. This pruning method is suitable for tall woody foliage plants. When pruning, when the plant grows to a certain height, cut off the side branches and leaves that are not needed in the lower part of the trunk, retain the branches and leaves at the top, and then prune the top to determine the height of the whole plant. In the future, the top will be reshaped and trimmed at any time. In this way, after a period of growth, the "T" plant shape is formed.

(2) Trunk truncation method: the trunk of the plant was topped, the crown was lowered, the lateral buds germinated, and then the lateral buds were selected purposefully, and the lateral buds should be staggered high and low, with 3 or 4 lateral buds, and the rest of the lateral buds should be erased, and then the fertilizer and water management should be strengthened. In this way, it won't be long before the plant grows plump. When cutting off the top, we should pay attention to the germination ability of the cut varieties, the flowers with strong germination can be truncated more, and the flowers with weak germination should retain more branches and leaves, which can be pruned in different times.

Pruning flowers and trees with the above methods is best carried out in spring, so the flowers and trees grow vigorously and the plants are easy to take shape.