
Planting and Management techniques of Sweet Corn at Seedling stage

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Planting and Management techniques of Sweet Corn at Seedling stage

Corn is an important food crop in China, not only as a staple food can also be cooked to eat, and in recent years, more and more people grow sweet corn. In this stage of sweet corn seedling stage, its stem and leaf growth is slow, root development is fast, in order to cultivate strong seedlings, in the seedling management process should pay special attention, then sweet corn seedling how to manage it? Let's learn about it together with Xiaobian.

1. Check the seedlings and fill in the gaps

Corn seedlings should be checked in time to make up for deficiencies, because corn planting quality and soil differences, after sowing there will be lack of seedlings, broken information, thus affecting the yield and quality of corn. Therefore, it is extremely important to check the seedlings to make up for the shortage. In the case of more seedlings, it is best to use seeds soaked and germinated to make up the seedlings; if there are fewer seedlings, seedlings can be transplanted for replanting. Transplanting should be carried out on rainy days or sunny afternoons, and less timely after transplanting to ensure the survival of seedlings. The transplanted seedlings should be as wet and fertile as possible, and the time of slow seedling should be shortened to achieve the goal of strong and uniform seedlings.

2. Thinning and seedling determination

At the 3-leaf stage of corn, seedlings should be fixed in time, and pests and diseases should be removed at the same time. Healthy seedlings should be retained. The thinning time should be early, and it should be carried out before the seedlings take root. If the thinning is too late, it will cause seedlings to compete for water and fertilizer, resulting in poor root growth, thus affecting the growth of above-ground parts. The seedling setting time should also be early rather than late. In places where underground pests are serious, the number of thinning seedlings should be increased appropriately, and the seedling setting time should be delayed appropriately, but not more than 6 leaves at the latest.

3. Intertillage and weeding

Timely intertillage and weeding can break soil hardening, loosen soil, eliminate weeds, promote corn root system to tie down smoothly, play the main role of fear and promotion, and lay a good foundation for late lodging prevention. Generally, the number of secondary roots increased by 5-6 compared with that of non-cultivation, and the yield increased by about 10%. Intertillage weeding should also pay attention to seedlings edge shallow tillage, so as not to hurt seedlings.

4. Cultivate strong seedlings

For those without basal fertilizer, seedling fertilizer can be applied at the 5-leaf stage, and 40 kg of ternary compound fertilizer can be applied per mu. Zinc sulfate foliar fertilizer can be sprayed at seedling stage, and zinc sulfate can also be applied at root. For the plots with serious seedling size, eccentric fertilizer should be applied, and for the plots with high density and prosperous growth, lodging prevention should be paid attention to.

The above is sweet corn seedling planting management technology introduction, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.