
Fertilization Technology of Mulberry

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Fertilization Technology of Mulberry

Mulberry is no stranger to everyone. When sericulture was young, mulberry leaves were often picked, and China is also the first country in the world to plant mulberry sericulture. Mulberry planting is of great significance and economic value is also very high. And now the demand for mulberry fruit in the market is also very large, so how to fertilize mulberry? Let's get to know it with the editor.

1. Characteristics of fertilizer requirement

Mulberry is a deciduous tree with long growth cycle, large growth, well-developed root system, large fertilizer absorption and soil fertility consumption. Although mulberry also has a growing period and dormant period in a year, fertilizer is needed all the year round, especially in spring and summer and autumn, which must be fully fertilized in order to meet the growth needs of mulberry. Generally, if you don't produce 1000 kilograms of mulberry leaves, you need to absorb 6 kilograms of pure nitrogen, 1 kilogram of phosphorus and 4 kilograms of potassium.

2. Fertilizer requirement

The fertilizer requirement of mulberry is also different in different growth seasons. Because of the short growth cycle in spring, the fertilizer requirement accounts for about 20% of the total fertilizer demand in the whole year, while summer and autumn is in the peak growing season of mulberry, and the growth cycle is long, so the fertilizer demand is relatively large, accounting for about 50% and 60% of the total fertilizer in the whole year. Mulberry is dormant in winter, and its growth is basically stagnant, so the demand for fertilizer is small, accounting for only about 10% and 30%. All in all, mulberry needs fertilizer all the year round, but what they like most are organic fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer, but avoid chlorine fertilizer and pay special attention to it when applying fertilizer.

3. Fertilization method

Spring fertilizer is generally applied before spring germination, generally 30-40 kg per mu of high-nitrogen compound fertilizer, or twice, each fertilization should be paid attention to at an interval of one month, 15-20 kg per mu each time. Summer fertilizer is generally applied in late July, generally divided into 2-3 times, each time high-nitrogen or high-nitrogen and high-potassium compound fertilizer 20-25 kg per mu, and can be applied appropriately in advance in the south. Autumn fertilizer is usually applied at the end of August, with about 20 kg of high-nitrogen and high-potassium compound fertilizer per mu. Winter fertilizer is generally applied before mulberry leaves fall to soil freezing, and 3000-5000 kg of high-quality farm manure is applied per mu combined with winter ploughing. Soil should be covered in time after fertilization to reduce fertilizer loss and improve its utilization rate.

The above is the introduction of mulberry fertilization technology, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.