
Management technology of radish expansion period

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Management technology of radish expansion period

Radish is a kind of typical rhizomatous vegetable, which is cultivated basically in all parts of China. When planting radish, management work is very important. When we manage radish, we need to adjust management technology reasonably according to its growth stage. Especially during the turnip expansion period. So how to manage the radish during the expansion period? The following small series brings you the management technology of radish expansion period. Let's take a look together!

1. Reasonable fertilization

Fertilization is very important during the turnip expansion period. Because at this stage, radish needs a lot of nutrients to ensure that it can expand normally. Therefore, we need to do a good job of fertilization first. The fertilizer should be mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied in time. Fertilization method available foliar spray, potassium dihydrogen phosphate diluted with water, spray to the leaves can be. Supplementing sufficient phosphorus and potassium elements to radish can accelerate the growth speed of fleshy roots. And potassium dihydrogen phosphate can also prevent radish from cracking fruit, branching phenomenon.

2, timely watering

As with fertilizer, watering turnips during their expansion is important. This period radish also needs a lot of water, pay attention to keep the soil moist, there is sufficient water. However, when watering, pay attention to controlling the watering time and watering amount. Do not water at noon. It should be carried out in the morning and evening. It is best to carry out in the morning, because watering at noon, then it is easy to cause cracking due to excessive temperature difference at the root. Then when watering, we should take small water frequently irrigation as the principle, not flood irrigation, to avoid excessive water damage.

3. Intertillage and weeding

In addition to doing a good job of fertilizer and water, we should pay attention to doing a good job of intertillage and weeding during the radish expansion period. Proper intertillage can avoid soil hardening, improve soil permeability, enhance root absorption and respiration capacity, and promote normal root expansion. At the same time, it can also inhibit the growth of weeds. The main purpose of weeding is to avoid weeds overgrowth and rob radish of nutrients and water. Therefore, we must pay more attention to concentrate nutrients on radish plants to ensure radish yield and quality.

4. Pest control

Finally, we must do a good job in pest control. The common diseases and insect pests in radish expansion stage include aphids, root rot, etc. These diseases will affect the growth of various organs of radish in different degrees, especially the growth of radish roots is the greatest harm. Therefore, we should pay attention to regular disinfection to eliminate pests and diseases in the field. At the same time, we should observe the growth of radish frequently. When abnormal conditions are found, we should deal with them in time. After checking out the specific reasons, we should make corresponding treatment to ensure the normal growth of radish.

The above is a brief introduction to the management technology of radish expansion period. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to help everyone oh!