
How to increase the yield of pomegranate

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, How to increase the yield of pomegranate

The fruit yield of pomegranate trees is a frequent concern for growers because its yield is relatively unstable and volatile. Pomegranates are more susceptible to external factors in the flowering stage, so how to improve the yield of pomegranate trees? Let's get to know each other.

1. Select the appropriate variety

There are many varieties of pomegranate trees, and the specific varieties are different. The output is naturally different. The suitable varieties here are not good varieties for everyone to choose. The right variety means that everyone should choose the one that suits their local environmental factors. Even the best variety will not adapt to the weather here, and planting will only lose money. Choose a variety that is extremely adapted to the environment, and the yield will naturally increase significantly.

2. Thinning flowers and fruits

Everyone only takes pomegranate trees with more flowers and fruits, so it often has fallen flowers and fruits, but what everyone doesn't know is that in this way, the remaining flowers and fruits on pomegranate trees will generally be more, and the tree's nutrient supply will not be able to supply many trees. On the other hand, thinning flowers and fruits will increase the yield of pomegranate trees. The ideal growth will be removed, and the remaining nutrients will naturally be sufficient. Finally, more mature fruits will be produced, and the yield will naturally increase.

3. Add fertilizer as needed

The importance of fertilizer for pomegranate trees is well known, but the impact of fertilizer on fruit trees may not be well understood. Most people only know that fertilizer will make trees grow better and make them more nutritious. In fact, this is relatively one-sided. Fertilization should pay attention to fertilization according to demand, so that the output will be high, fruit trees grow branches and leaves, you use fertilizer to promote flowering, such oolong is often seen, so growers should understand the fertilizer needs of pomegranate trees at various stages, so that the yield increase is obvious.

4. Care after harvest

For fruit trees after harvest is the time to cultivate sound, lay a good foundation for the coming year also in this period of time. If you want to have a high annual output, then this stage of care is not good. Here, it is mainly to supplement fertilizer, raise heels, cultivate soil and other things beneficial to pomegranate trees, and then do some measures for wintering. Under multiple guarantees, we will see a significant increase in yield after a few years. Fruit tree planting is not an overnight thing, we have to think about it in the future.

The above is the pomegranate tree planting time to help increase the yield of the method, pomegranate tree yield is actually very high, we can try a variety of ways to make their yield higher year by year.