
How to improve the fecundity of breeding rabbits

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, How to improve the fecundity of breeding rabbits

Rabbit breeding speed is very fast, but artificial breeding rabbits in terms of reproduction may be poor, not very ideal. Especially after comparing the reproductive effects with other rabbits, many people are eager to improve their reproductive capacity. Here's how to improve it!

1. Selection of breeding rabbits

At the beginning of the selection of breeding rabbits are rarely suitable, in the breeding process there will always be some inappropriate, this time to start screening. The image of the rabbit is generally relatively good, screening mainly from its living habits to choose, if poor appetite, poor state and long-term unsociable habits, like this should pay more attention to see whether to ban. In order to have enough breeding rabbits after screening, finally prepare some reserve breeding rabbits, so as to supplement the overall number in time after screening, so as to improve the starting point of breeding rabbits at the initial stage to a certain extent.

2. Targeted breeding

Breeding rabbits and meat rabbits will be different, so do not use the method of breeding meat rabbits in breeding rabbits, to adjust appropriately. The adjustment of feeding mainly includes feeding times and types. If the times are less, eat more meals, so that the breeding rabbits can quickly absorb more vitality. The rabbits are basically unwilling to walk when they are full. Eating too much at one time is not conducive to the health of the breeding rabbits, and it will also affect the reproductive efficiency. The adjustment of species mainly focuses on nutrition balance, mainly increasing some foods conducive to reproduction, and inducing the movement of breeding rabbits with foods to maintain their physical vitality.

3. Implementation of elimination system

Rabbit reproduction will slowly decline with various reasons, and the corresponding elimination mechanism will also be randomly improved. Rabbits with poor physical function are not suitable for further reproduction because they will also affect subsequent rabbits. After each breeding, the data will be recorded. If the subsequent breeding is still poor, and the daily relatively high-quality breeding rabbits are obviously deteriorated, they need to be eliminated. When new breeding rabbits are added, do not choose the estrous period. It is best to breed them together for a period of time, so that the rabbit population is not easy to reject.

4. Improve breeding methods

There are many breeding methods for rabbits, and it is important to improve these methods so as to obtain more efficient and suitable breeding methods. When improving these methods, they mainly started from two aspects. One was how to effectively improve the probability of successful fertilization of breeding rabbits, and the other was how to enhance the estrus time of breeding rabbits. If these two aspects were done well, then this breeding method would definitely not be bad.

These are some ways to improve the fertility of rabbits, rabbits themselves do not belong to a strong reproductive, as long as other aspects of adaptation, so that rabbits have a better environment to reproduce, I believe the final effect will be more ideal.