
Tips for Indoor Flower maintenance

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Tips for Indoor Flower maintenance

When a novice grows flowers, because he does not know how to maintain them, and he dotes on his flowers, he not only fails to do well but makes his flowers worse until they wither and die.

The following are several major principles of good maintenance and arrangement of indoor flower conservation and several matters needing attention for novice flower cultivation:

1. The basin soil cannot accumulate water.

The roots of plants need air as well as water. If water accumulates in the basin soil for too long, the roots of plants will suffocate because there is no air to breathe. You should learn how to water correctly.

2. Let the plant dormancy

Many indoor flowers are relatively dormant in winter or after flowering, during which the plant needs less water and fertilizer and lower temperature than in the vigorous growth period.

It is normal for some plants to dormancy after flowering.

Popular potted flowers, such as cyclamen, paulownia, chrysanthemum and so on, gradually wither and yellow and fall off after blooming, and enter the dormant period. This is the normal growth process of the plant, not caused by your poor maintenance. Increase air humidity in the north, after indoor heating in winter, the air is very dry. Efforts should be made to increase the humidity of indoor air.

3. Deal with the problems encountered by plants quickly

Both experts and beginners will encounter some problems. If insect pests are found, it will not cause great harm as long as they are eliminated in time. If infected with the virus, the treatment is more troublesome and should be isolated as soon as possible. Watering too much will not be a big problem at first, but it will lead to death over a long period of time. Learn to identify early symptoms of plant problems.

4. Combine multiple plants for maintenance

When many plants are planted together, almost all of them grow better and have a good ornamental effect. You should learn why and how to put plants together.

5. Learn to change the basin

When potted flowers are cultivated for one or two years, the growth of most plants gradually weakens. In many cases, you only need to replace it with a larger basin to restore its vitality.

6. Choose the right species

In order for plants to grow luxuriantly indoors, we must choose species that are suitable for indoor environmental conditions, that is, to be a monk for a day, experts cannot let shade-loving plants grow well under direct sunlight and windows.

7. Choose the appropriate tool

The commonly used tools are: a watering pot with a long nozzle and a fine sprinkler; a sprayer to increase humidity to remove dust and control pests; excellent potted substrates, such as peat soil, river sand, moss, etc.; flowerpots, trays or sets of pots; brown piles for climbing plants and nylon thread or wire for bundling plants; pesticides, fungicides, fertilizers, leaf brighteners, branch shears, grafting knives, etc.

Methods of Indoor Flower Pest Control

When growing flowers indoors, it is not appropriate to use highly toxic pesticides to control pests. People often use washing powder, tobacco liquid, leek liquid and chilli liquid to prevent pests, but these make it more troublesome and have to be sprayed two or three times a day.

If the grasp is not good, alkaline washing powder will also cause harm to sour rhododendrons, orchids, Milan and so on. Here are three ways to kill pests quickly.

1. Mosquito-repellent incense: the mosquito-repellent incense is lit and hung on the insecticidal plant, and then sealed with plastic film to seal the plant and flowerpot. After 1 hour, all aphids, red spiders and whitefly are eliminated.

This method is especially suitable for kumquat which is vulnerable to red spiders.

2. Wind oil essence spray: wind oil essence add 400 to 500 times water spray wine plant o

The essence of wind oil has a strong penetration, so it is effective against all kinds of pests, especially those whose insecticidal solution is not effective, such as green capsule wax scale.

3. Camphor balls are placed in the basin soil: flowers with tuberous roots (such as peony and dahlia), flowers with bulbs (such as lilies and Lycoris radiata) and flowers with fleshy roots are often harmed by nematodes.

An appropriate amount of camphor balls can be ground and mixed in the basin soil, which is very effective for the control of nematodes.

Growing flowers and fertilizing smells bad? Teach you some deodorant tricks.

Families often need to fertilize potted flowers, but fertilization will inevitably bring some unpleasant smell. Here are some tips to avoid or remove the smell of fertilizer.

The first kind of rice vinegar:

When fertilizing flowers, pay attention to properly dripping a few drops of rice vinegar into the liquid fertilizer, which can eliminate the stench of liquid fertilizer, because rice vinegar is weakly acidic and can neutralize the smell produced by some rotten substances in liquid fertilizer.

The second is to use orange peel:

In the fermented water, you can put some orange peel (fresh or air-dried) to ferment the orange peel and fertilizer together. The use of a large amount of essential oil in orange peel can reduce the odor of liquid fertilizer, and orange peel is also a good fertilizer for flower breeding after fermentation.

The third kind of spirit:

Florists often say, "potted fertilizer has a strong smell of water, but add a little liquor to extinguish the smell." That makes a lot of sense. When fertilizing, adding some liquor to the fertilizer can obviously remove the smell. In addition, flower friends can also make some fertilizer without peculiar smell at home.

The fourth use of bean cakes:

The bean cake is crushed into powder. After soaking and fermentation, it is not only a good organic fertilizer, but also does not bring odor after application.

The fifth method uses broken bone fertilizer:

Many flower farmers use the broken bones of chickens and ducks as flower fertilizer. The specific method is to soak the bone for a day or two to remove the salt, then add water to the pressure cooker and stir it into a paste, then add 20% fine sand or cinder ash inside, mix it evenly, cover it with a layer of dry fine soil, sprinkle some insecticides, and then cover it to keep it loose and moist. After two or three months, the fertilizer has been fully mature, and the effect of applying fertilizer into the flowerpot is good, and there is no bad smell.

The sixth is to use retting to make fertilizer:

Many flower growers will collect all kinds of pericarp and green vegetable leaves and put them into a small jar, then add some water and an appropriate amount of black alum to fully ferment and mature, then open the lid and leave it open for a few days. This kind of self-made fertilizer not only has no bad smell, but also is especially suitable for the growth needs of common potted flowers such as rhododendron, gardenia, jasmine and so on.

Seventh, use yogurt water and eggshell fertilizer:

Wash the washing water and broken eggshell of the yogurt bottle (box) with rice washing water, and then rett together for 7 to 10 days, it can become a kind of flower fertilizer with complete nutrients, which can be used to water the flowers with high efficiency and no odor.

Flower friends who have no time to make their own fertilizer can take the following measures to reduce the smell when using ordinary liquid fertilizer.

1. Skillfully applying liquid fertilizer:

Before fertilizing, first reduce the amount of water to dry the basin soil, and then apply fertilizer outdoors in the evening. Because the soil is dry, it will speed up the absorption of fertilizer solution and reduce the exposure time of fertilizer solution. Therefore, after the fertilizer solution infiltrates into the basin soil, a small amount of water can be poured again, and the residual fertilizer liquid on the surface can be washed evenly into the lower soil, which can eliminate the stench of fertilizer, even if a small amount of fertilizer is still left on the surface of the basin soil, and the smell can be greatly reduced after volatilization overnight.

2. Covering soil after application:

Put some foul-smelling fertilizers in a container, wait for fermentation to rot, and then dilute it with water about 10 times. After application, cover the surface of the pot with a layer of prepared fine soil, which can not only prevent the volatilization of odor, but also maintain the fertilizer effect.