
Causes and Control measures of calcium deficiency in Apple

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Causes and Control measures of calcium deficiency in Apple

Apple is a very common fruit, widely distributed in all parts of our country. When growing apples, the nutritional requirements of apples are very large. If there is a lack of nutrition, malnutrition is easy to occur. Especially all kinds of medium and trace elements, among which calcium is more important. Calcium deficiency has great influence on apple yield and quality. So what is the cause of calcium deficiency in apples? How to prevent it? Let's take a look below!

1. Reasons for calcium deficiency

1. Calcium deficiency in soil

Calcium ions move very slowly through apple trees, so apple trees are slow to extract calcium from soil. Calcium ion transport in the xylem of fruit trees is mainly through evaporation of leaves, mature leaves, evaporation is relatively strong, so calcium is relatively rich. For terminal buds, weak buds and branches with poor light conditions in the lower part of fruit trees, transpiration is weak, so calcium is less. Moreover, calcium ions in phloem elements are very poor, mature leaves of calcium can not be young leaves, root tips and fruits, etc. Therefore, if the apple is deficient in calcium, it will first appear on the root tip, growth point and fruit.

2. External causes

When applying fertilizer, if chemical fertilizer is applied for a long time, it will lead to the depletion of available trace elements in the soil, resulting in serious calcium deficiency in the soil. Or large amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer will also inhibit the absorption of calcium by fruit trees. And if the soil is severely dry and the soil moisture content is less than 50%. Then the leaves will gradually wither, thus weakening transpiration, resulting in blocked calcium ion transport. At the same time, excessive accumulation of water will lead to the deterioration of waterlogging, which will also cause calcium deficiency. Finally, before apple harvest and fruit rapid expansion period, if the light is insufficient, long-term rain, it will also affect calcium ions, calcium deficiency symptoms appear.

II. Prevention and control measures

1. Reasonable fertilization

When applying fertilizer, we must pay attention to controlling the amount of fertilizer applied. In the autumn when the base fertilizer, to agricultural fertilizer and some high-quality organic fertilizer based. At the same time, it is necessary to control the amount of fertilizer, generally about 40kg of silicon-calcium fertilizer per mu. Fertilizers are used to increase the content of organic matter and trace elements in the soil, thereby improving soil fertility. However, because calcium ions are transported very slowly in fruit trees, it may not have a significant effect that year. However, as long as it is applied annually, the problem of calcium deficiency in apple trees can be fundamentally solved.

2. Other measures

Apply calcium nitrate to the soil at the first peak of apple tree root growth in March. And then can also sprout in the apple, flowering and young fruit period when spraying appropriate amounts of amino acid calcium chelated liquid fertilizer, has a significant calcium supplement effect. Then prune properly to provide a good lighting environment for the fruit trees. If the soil is dry, water it in time to keep the maximum field water holding capacity of the soil at about 65%. Finally, under the canopy to thicken the soil layer, build a good ditch, meet the rainy season timely drainage, etc.

The above is a brief introduction to the causes and prevention measures of apple calcium deficiency. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to help everyone oh!