
The doctor of horticulture and farmers have practical experience in promoting flowers without spraying pesticides instead of fertilizers, sighing that there is no one to promote them.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The doctor of horticulture and farmers have practical experience in promoting flowers without spraying pesticides instead of fertilizers, sighing that there is no one to promote them.

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(continue the previous article) can lotus fog promote flowers without pesticides? At present, the "thinning trees" pruning method advocated by the agricultural reform farm has been successfully tested by cooperative farmers, while some farmers and researchers have tried non-toxic alternative materials and switched to mineral oil or potash fertilizer, with good results.

Only limited to farmers spray to promote flowers into the habit, no one to promote. If the government can attach importance to this matter, publicize and promote it, and conduct experiments in a more scientific way to find the best alternative, farmers will be able to abandon the practice of promoting flowers with pesticides. And many consumers now not only pay attention to food safety, but also pay more attention to whether the production process is friendly or not, and farmers who do not use drugs to promote flowers should be more affirmed.

Lotus flowers bloom like fireworks (photo _ Cai Jiashan) it's still uncomfortable to wear a gas mask, but it's better to switch to mineral oil and high phosphorus and potassium.

Yang Huan, a farmer in Neipu, Pingtung, has not used pesticides to promote flowers for three years, on the grounds that the dilution is too thick. His wife, Chiang Yu-ti, added, "I have bought a gas mask for him to wear, but he will still feel uncomfortable after spraying it!"

Yang and his wife originally worked in the technology industry, and when they returned to their hometown to plant, they picked the lotus with the highest technical threshold, which they found to be challenging. My husband majored in the field, while my wife went to a training course for pesticide managers to learn that organophosphorus agents were very toxic. But the older generation of farmers will not talk even if they are poisoned.

"the pesticide industry is afraid that you will not come to spend, so you are advised to spray. In fact, as long as you open the net, you will naturally come to spend, as long as the previous steps have been done well, but people will still spray, for the sake of insurance." Yang Yingyi expressed the mentality of ordinary farmers.

Yang Xie introduced that the lotus fog in this area had been flooded for a long time due to rain, and there were a lot of flowers without spraying (photo _ Cai Jiashan)

In order not to spray to promote flowers, he tried to use mineral oil or high phosphorus and high potassium to replace, can also achieve the purpose of stimulating fruit trees, the results are very good. Another park has everything because of long-term flooding in low-lying areas.