
2020 Tainan Family Village Food Festival opens to welcome the Spring Festival

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The 2020 Tainan Family Village Food Festival opened again after a five-year absence. On the morning of the 9th, the 2020 Nan Family Village Food Festival-New year Street opened lively next to the baseball stadium in Tainan City, gathering special village dishes, a variety of dry goods, Spring Festival supplies and other New year goods.

2020 Tainan Family Village Food Festival opens to welcome the Spring Festival

The 2020 Tainan Family Village Food Festival opened again after a five-year absence. On the morning of the 9th, the "2020 Nan Family Village Food Festival-New year Street" opened lively next to the baseball stadium in Tainan City, gathering special village dishes, a variety of dry food ingredients, Spring Festival supplies and other New year goods. Mayor Huang Weizhe and Chen Xinan, director of the Tourism Bureau, attended the opening ceremony. City councillors Lin Meiyan, Wang Jiazhen, Zhou Lijin, Shen Zhendong, as well as a number of local leaders and citizens, were present to participate in the opening ceremony. The opening of the event was kicked off by a wonderful performance by the Lion Dance Troupe of Yongren High School, and the scene was filled with a lively and joyful atmosphere of the Spring Festival.

Jin Guanhong, curator of Nanying Family Village Cultural Center, said that with the demolition of old buildings, the culture of the family village gradually declined, and the number of authentic food shops also decreased. The organizers specially visited every family to look for the mothers of the families in the invisible alley, and invited them to set up stalls at the scene. Authentic sausage and bacon, Shandong cakes, levers, Guangdong cold pig scalp, lion's head, Beef Seasoned with Soy Sauce and other delicacies are definitely the most authentic taste of the village. Looking forward to the return of this family village food festival, not only let everyone taste the old taste, but also reproduce the classic memories of the family village.

In addition, after people have had enough to eat and drink, they can also visit the monuments of the officers and soldiers' dormitory and the eight major theme pavilions in the Shuijiaoshe Cultural Park, relive the classic memories of the family village and the strong atmosphere of the Spring Festival, and let friends from all over the world understand the precious culture of the family village. From now to the 13th, members of the public can go to feel the strong traditional flavor of the New year from 9 am to 9 pm every day.

▲ 2020 Tainan Family Village Food Festival opens to welcome the Spring Festival