
Prevention and treatment of stiff bean seedlings

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Prevention and treatment of stiff bean seedlings

Stiff bean seedlings, also known as small old seedlings, is a phenomenon that often occurs in the process of bean growth, which brings great losses to farmers, so more care should be added in the process of planting, which needs to be solved in time. So how to solve the problem of stiff bean seedlings? Come and have a look with the editor.

1. Symptoms of stiff bean seedlings

When there is a stiff seedling in the bean, its plant will grow very slowly, even without any growth for a few days, and its leaves will slowly become smaller, the plant is weak but very old, so it is called a small old seedling. Sometimes the leaves are yellowed, the stems are thin and hard, and purple, and the harm of stiff seedlings is great, so more prevention should be taken.

2. The cause

There are many reasons for stiff bean seedlings, first of all, the soil temperature is too low, the root system can not absorb enough nutrients, then the plant will grow young, growth will be inhibited, the formation of rigid seedlings. In addition, in the process of plant growth, without adequate nutrition, its growth will also be greatly limited, and its resistance to insufficient fertility will be greatly reduced. Therefore, fertilization is also more important, but too much fertilization in the process of fertilization will cause plant root burns and rigid seedlings. Diseases and insect pests in the field can also harm plants, sometimes underground pests eat the roots of plants, so that plants lose the ability to absorb nutrients and gradually die. When the soil is dry or humid, the soil permeability is poor, the root absorption is poor, or there is continuous overcast and rain, and the occurrence of rigid seedlings is particularly serious.

3. Prevention and control methods

First of all, the loose and breathable land should be selected, and at the same time, formula fertilization and mixed application of organic fertilizer and medium trace elements should be adopted, which can enhance the buffering and water conservation and fertility of the soil, and be beneficial to the growth and development of the root system. When raising seedlings, we can use the ground mulching technology to find ways to increase the ground temperature, promote the development of roots and cultivate strong seedlings. Timely planting, the use of high border and deep ditch, pay attention to seedling refining before transplanting, timely and appropriate watering, so as not to reduce the seedling bed temperature and low temperature, which is not conducive to root growth. For the prevention and control of underground diseases and insect pests must be early, before the application of base fertilizer, deep ploughing and soil preparation, conditions can be carried out to disinfect the soil, reduce the number of pathogens and insect eggs, and reduce the incidence of diseases and insect pests.

The above is the introduction of the prevention and control methods of stiff bean seedlings, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.