
Causes and Preventive measures of Hot Pepper seedlings

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Causes and Preventive measures of Hot Pepper seedlings

Wild pepper seedling is a physiological disease in pepper planting, which will cause serious harm to the growth of pepper, thus reduce the yield of pepper and affect the economic benefits. So what is the cause of crazy pepper seedlings? How to prevent and cure it? Come and have a look with the editor.

First, the cause of crazy pepper seedlings

1. Variety

When buying chili seeds, if you buy fake and shoddy products, it may lead to crazy seedlings, or even no harvest, so you should pay special attention to buying seeds.

2. Light intensity is weak.

If the light duration in winter and spring is too short, the light intensity is poor, the photosynthesis of the plant is limited, the assimilation substance decreases, and the material transport slows down, so that carbohydrates are distributed to the internodes and petioles. Reduce the supply of roots and buds, form overgrowth, resulting in poor growth and falling flowers and fruits.

3. The night temperature is on the high side

Temperature has a great influence on the good photosynthetic rate, the intensity of respiration, the speed and direction of matter movement and the distribution of assimilated substances. When the temperature in the greenhouse exceeds 30 degrees, when the temperature exceeds 18 degrees at night, the respiration consumption of plants increases, which promotes the excessive growth of stems and petioles, causing nutrients to be transported to flower buds and fruit trees, forming crazy seedlings.

4. Excessive fat and water

After the pepper was planted, the fertilizer level was on the high side, especially too much nitrogen fertilizer, which promoted the excessive distribution of assimilates to the stems, exuberant vegetative growth, inhibited reproductive growth, and led to the imbalance of plant physiological metabolism and hindered the normal and smooth transition of nutrients to reproductive growth, resulting in crazy seedlings.

II. Preventive methods

1. Optimize the structure of shed.

When building the greenhouse, the best solar incident angle should be reasonably planned and implemented according to the local geographical latitude and the main cultivation season. At the same time, the drip-free film should be selected. In the production, the film should be clean and pollution-free, and the light transmittance should be increased. Anti-cold grass should be uncovered early and late, and correspondingly increase the length of light every day. Reflective curtains can also be laid in the shed, and the lighting can also be increased.

2. Reasonable fertilizer and water

According to the demand of pepper for fertilizer and water, formula fertilization and reasonable irrigation should be used to control enough water, promote reasonably and control properly, and coordinate the contradiction between vegetative growth and reproductive growth of hot pepper. First of all, it is necessary to make a good soil moisture, small water planting, slow seedling water and light watering, no drought and no watering before slow branch harvest, combined with watering and topdressing 2-3 times in full fruit period, at the same time, spraying 200 times of inducer to control vigorous growth, while supplementing boron is beneficial to promote flower bud differentiation and improve fruit setting rate.

3. Squatting seedlings

Squatting seedlings can be flexibly mastered according to the combination of growth and growth characteristics, such as strong growth and long sheds, should be appropriate heavy squatting, otherwise light squatting or no squatting seedlings. In the greenhouse where rigid seedlings have occurred, not only can not squatting seedlings, but also consider appropriate fertilizer and water promotion. As far as varieties are concerned, late-maturing varieties can squat seedlings moderately, while middle-maturing varieties can squat moderately or not. Squatting seedlings can be ended after fruit sitting, and then it is necessary to strengthen fertilizer and water management, do a good job of topdressing and watering, and promote fruit expansion.

4. Increase the temperature difference

The above is the introduction of the causes and preventive measures of hot pepper seedlings. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.