
What about strawberry retting?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What about strawberry retting?

The planting area of strawberries in our country is very large and is welcomed by many people. Now more and more people grow strawberries, but we often encounter a lot of problems when we plant strawberries. Among them, strawberry retting root is one kind, strawberry retting root retting will have a great impact on the growth and yield of strawberry. So what should we do about strawberry retting? What are the symptoms? Let's take a look at it with the editor.

1. Retting root symptom

Strawberry root retting usually occurs after strawberry seedlings are divided and transplanted. As the name implies, it is mainly harmful to the roots. General strawberry after retting, the main symptom is not to send new roots, the old root bark color will gradually turn brown, produce rust spots, and then gradually necrosis, serious will appear rot phenomenon. On the other hand, the aboveground plants will lose water, and the outer leaves will wilt gradually, and then turn brown and scorch gradually. If it is not treated in time, the plant will not be able to return to normal for a long time, resulting in plant death.

2. The reason of retting root

Strawberry root retting is mainly caused by too much watering. Especially in the first two watering of strawberries after transplanting, because at this time the strawberries have just been transplanted, and their root ability is relatively weak. If too much water is watered, the water content of the soil will be saturated for a long time, which will affect the respiration of the roots and eventually lead to root injury and retting. And if the root retting is serious if it is not treated in time, it is also very easy to cause root diseases and seriously affect the growth of strawberries.

3. Prevention and control methods

First of all, when we plant strawberries, we should choose the planting plots. The planting plot should be based on high-lying and dry loam, and it is best to apply enzyme fertilizer when fertilizing, which can not only meet the growth and nutritional needs of strawberries, but also avoid fertilizer damage. Then during cultivation, it is necessary to do a good job in soil preparation, turn the soil deeply and disinfect it, so as to improve the drainage and irrigation capacity of the soil. At the same time, it is best to cultivate with high ridge and high border, try not to plant flat, and dig a good drainage ditch to ensure the normal growth of strawberries.

In the process of planting, we also need to strengthen management, if it is cultivated in the open field, then it should be timely drainage after rain to avoid stagnant water in the field. If it is cultivated in the greenhouse, then the temperature should be raised appropriately after the seedling division and planting work is done. The ground temperature should not be lower than 5 degrees for a long time, and drip irrigation with small water should be given priority to when watering. It is best not to flood irrigation to prevent water accumulation in the field. After the phenomenon of root retting is found, the soil should be ploughed and loosened in time to improve the soil permeability and temperature. When necessary, appropriate rooting agents should be used to promote strawberry roots to recover as soon as possible.

The above is a brief introduction to how to rett strawberry roots. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.