
Tips for turtle farming

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Tips for turtle farming

Soft-shelled turtle is a very popular breeding product at present, but many people will complain that the soft-shelled turtle is not easy to raise and often dies inexplicably. The emergence of this situation is mostly caused by some problems that farmers do not pay attention to, so what problems should soft-shelled turtles pay attention to?

1. A quiet environment

The soft-shelled turtle is relatively timid, some external stimulation will make the soft-shelled turtle come slowly for a long time, if such things are more frequent, it will seriously affect the eating efficiency of the soft-shelled turtle. When breeding soft-shelled turtle, it is best to be in a relatively remote place, with few people and no cars passing by every day, so as to avoid the impact of car sirens on the soft-shelled turtle. However, the light is long, and the soft-shelled turtle itself still likes to bask in the sun, so when the sun is not very strong, farmers can often see a bunch of soft-shelled turtles surfacing to the surface.

2. Regular disinfection

The soft-shelled turtle itself is not very resistant to bacteria, so the culture pond needs to be disinfected regularly. If the sanitary conditions are not good, the soft-shelled turtle will slowly leave the water source first and is unwilling to enter the water, even when feeding. The daily accumulation of these bacteria comes from many sources, and it is best to lead to frequent diseases. The death of many soft-shelled turtles comes from too many bacteria. If farmers find that a large number of soft-shelled turtles are often unwilling to enter the water, or even be stimulated by the outside world, then they may have to be disinfected.

3. Replacement of water source

The cleanliness of the water quality is also critical for the soft-shelled turtle. If the water quality is not good, the soft-shelled turtle is prone to death if it stays inside for a long time. The deterioration of water quality mainly refers to the ecological imbalance of the water area, the lack of oxygen, the lack of fertilizer in the water quality and so on, all of which require the replacement of water sources. If it is not very convenient to change water in the whole pond, you can choose to draw running water and discharge old water. When live water flows into the pond all the time, the chances of these problems will be much less.

4. Attention density

The soft-shelled turtle itself is not very docile, so it often has fights, it is afraid of external stimulus interference, but not afraid of peer interference. If the density is high, then the soft-shelled turtle will fight more frequently, especially when basking in the sun, which often happens because of a good position. In a culture pond, if the soft-shelled turtle fights frequently, it means that the density is high and needs to be reduced in time. The soft-shelled turtle fights fiercely and generally bites each other without letting go, resulting in infection of various diseases. This should be paid more attention to.

These are some of the problems that should be paid attention to when raising soft-shelled turtles. Soft-shelled turtles need to find more ponds, because they are prone to many problems, such as running away, and so on, which I believe have been seen more or less.