
Causes and control measures of apple tire rust

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Causes and control measures of apple tire rust

The planting area of apples in China is very large, many people like to eat apples very much, so the market demand for apples is very large. Now more and more people grow apples, but when growing apples, they are often prone to fetal rust, which seriously affects the quality of apples. So what is the cause of apple tire rust? How to prevent and cure it? The following editor will give you a brief introduction, let's have a look!

First, reasons

1. Poor quality of flower buds.

The main cause of apple fetal rust may be due to the poor quality of flower buds. The time of flower bud formation will have a greater impact on the quality of flower buds, if some flower buds formed relatively late, it is easy to be malnourished, resulting in poor quality of flower buds. The fruit produced by this kind of flower bud is very easy to rust in early summer. At the same time, in addition to the reasons of stunted growth, poor adaptation to the environment and poor stress resistance will also aggravate the phenomenon of fetal rust, resulting in the decline of apple ornamental and planting efficiency.

2. Other causes of flower bud

If the flower buds formed after the spring shoots of apple trees stop growing and then germinate on autumn shoots, the differentiation time is very short. The nutritional conditions are also very poor, resulting in poor flower bud differentiation and delayed flowering. At the same time, after being done, the pericarp development will also be affected, forming a serious phenomenon of deficiency. In addition, because of the axillary flower buds, the flower buds formed by developing lateral buds of branches are affected by the growth of the tip. Therefore, axillary flower bud formation will be later than the top flower bud, resulting in poor nutrition and fetal rust.

II. Prevention and treatment

1. Comprehensive measures

First of all, we should improve the quality of flower buds, pay attention to the application of base fertilizer in autumn, and appropriately increase the application amount of organic fertilizer biological bacteria. At the same time, it should be applied early and fully with the right amount of medium and trace elements. Then in the growing season to control the amount of fertilizer, it is best to measure the soil and fertilizer, the integration of water and fertilizer to maintain a balanced supply. At the same time, we should also do a good job of pruning, maintain a good tree potential, update it timely, improve the utilization rate of space, and ensure ventilation and light transmission. Then, according to the reasonable control plan, we should do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests and protect the fruits and leaves.

2. Strengthen the management

At the same time, we also need to strengthen flower and fruit management, promote high-quality flower bud fruit, ensure the fruit setting rate in the center of the tree, and then timely remove weak flowers and edge flowers to avoid overload. Take reasonable measures to promote flowers, the trunk can not be peeled around. For young and prosperous trees, the main branches should be circumscribed around the middle of May every year. Then bag the fruit, and then spray foliar fertilizer rich in trace elements, about three times. Then in August, appropriate amount of organic phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was sprayed to regulate fertilizer and water reasonably, promote flower bud differentiation and improve flower bud quality.

The above is a brief introduction to the causes and prevention measures of apple tire rust. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.