
What if the newborn lamb can't stand up?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What if the newborn lamb can't stand up?

Many sheep farmers believe that they have encountered the phenomenon that newborn lambs are unable to stand up. Generally speaking, lambs are still fine after giving birth for 2-3 days, followed by paralysis and inability to stand up for a long time. Most of this phenomenon occurs in late winter and early spring. Is it the cause? Come and have a look with the editor.

1. The cause of disease

The inability of the lamb to stand up is mainly due to the improper proportion of calcium and phosphorus in the feed, which leads to thyroid failure of the lamb, and then leads to the decrease of calcium absorbed by the digestive tract, such as the dysfunction of blood calcium or the increase of estrogen level. The lack of vitamins in feed and the lack of light in the breeding environment lead to the lack of vitamins in lambs, and the deficiency of calcium and phosphorus in the feed of pregnant ewes will also lead to calcium deficiency in lambs. in addition, the dark and humid environment of the sheep house will lead to calcium deficiency and other diseases in lambs.

2. Clinical symptoms

Lamb leg weakness or postpartum paralysis, slow growth and development, often like to lie for a long time, standing strenuous, limbs often can not support the body to stand. Over time, the limbs will swell and the legs will become bent. Although they can be unfolded, they are extremely changeable. Sometimes they will have difficulty breathing and rapid heartbeat when walking. However, in the early stage of calcium deficiency, ewes will appear pelvic muscle relaxation, and there is an obvious trend of decreasing feed intake. when calcium deficiency is serious, ewes will keep singing, dysuria, loss of appetite and other symptoms.

3. prevention and control measures

In order to avoid this situation, we must first strengthen the feed management of ewes, increase the light transmittance of the sheep house, maintain proper exercise of ewes, supplement fine feeding as much as possible, and pay attention to keeping the minerals of calcium chloride when supplementing calcium. In addition, if grazing sheep are not prone to calcium and phosphorus deficiency, so if they are kept in captivity, legumes should be supplemented as much as possible to ensure the supplement of calcium. For lambs without milk or lack of milk, artificial supplementary feeding can be carried out, and fresh eggs, cod liver oil, salt and boiling water can be mixed and fed evenly. Generally, lambs within a week of birth are fed 4-6 times a day, 50 milliliters each time. Then gradually increase the amount of supplementary feeding, and begin to train to eat grass half a month later. Calcium supplement for lambs should start from ewes. Sheep pregnancy treasure can be used in ewe feed. For lambs with serious calcium deficiency, vertin glue injection can be injected.

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