
What's with the cucumber tendrils?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What's with the cucumber tendrils?

Cucumber plant is a kind of vine plant, which is basically planted all over China. When planting cucumbers, because it is a vine plant, tendrils often appear. Tendrils on cucumber growth more or less will cause a certain impact, but also has a variety of different circumstances. So what about cucumber tendrils? The following small series will briefly introduce you, let's take a look together!

1. Tendrils droop

When cucumber tendrils, we have to judge the cause of its tendrils according to the specific tendrils. If tendrils droop, it is usually caused by soil water shortage and drought. At this time, it is necessary to water in time to increase the moisture content of the soil and promote the restoration of tendrils as soon as possible. If it does not improve, then it should be the root cause, so check the root in time and treat the problem.

2. The tip is curled

In addition to the tendrils drooping, the tip is curled. When the tip of the cucumber tendril appears to curl, it means that the cucumber vine has gradually aged and its growth ability has gradually declined. The main cause of this phenomenon is usually caused by insufficient nutrition. Therefore, if there is a phenomenon of tip curling, then timely fertilization should be carried out to provide sufficient nutrition, which can slowly alleviate this phenomenon.

3. Tendrils are thin

When cucumber tendrils appear, if tendrils grow poorly and are very thin, it is generally due to lack of nutrition. As with the tip of the roll, we should also do a good job of fertilization to supplement adequate nutrition for cucumber plants. When fertilizing soil, nutrient solution can also be prepared properly, and the nutrient solution can be evenly sprayed on the surface of cucumber plants to promote nutrient absorption of cucumber.

4. Tendrils turn yellow

Sometimes cucumber tendrils phenomenon is also a normal situation, because after all, it is a vine plant, if the tendrils phenomenon is not serious, then there is no problem. But also pay attention to the tendrils, if tendrils appear yellowing phenomenon, then it may be affected by downy mildew and other diseases. At this time, it is necessary to use the pesticide reasonably to spray the disease prevention work to avoid affecting the growth of cucumber.

5. The angle with vines is too small

When tendrils are upright but at a small angle to the vine, there are usually two reasons for this. The first is caused by excessive field temperature, and then by excessive humidity. However, we do not have to worry too much, this situation does not have a great impact on the growth of cucumber. However, if conditions exist, the temperature and humidity can be appropriately reduced to ensure the normal growth of cucumbers.

The above is a simple introduction to what is going on with cucumber tendrils. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to help everyone oh!