
Why doesn't the white taro blossom?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Why doesn't the white taro blossom?

White calla is a common flower in our daily life, also known as white palm. Because it has a high viewing value, it is welcomed by many people. However, when breeding white crane taro, there are often many problems, among which non-flowering is a common one, resulting in a decline in the ornamental value of white crane taro. So why doesn't the white lily bloom? The following small series will briefly introduce you, let's take a look together!

1. Insufficient light

Light is very important for the growth of white caltrop. During the growth period of white caltrop, we need to maintain a certain amount of light, especially during the flowering period of white caltrop. If the flowering period of white caltrop is not enough, it will affect the photosynthesis of white caltrop. This leads to insufficient accumulation of photosynthetic substances in the white crane plant, and the white crane plant cannot flower due to lack of nutrition. Therefore, when we cultivate white crane, we should pay attention to providing appropriate amount of light, mainly soft scattered light. Before and after florescence, light could be increased properly, which could not only improve the flowering rate of white caltrop, but also prolong florescence.

2. Improper fertilization

Fertilization is also very important to ensure the normal growth of white crane when breeding white crane. If the white caltrop lacks nutrients for a long time, it will naturally fail to bloom due to insufficient nutrition. However, attention should also be paid to controlling the amount of fertilizer. If too much fertilizer is applied and the nutrient ratio is not suitable, the concentration is too large, so it is easy to cause white crane taro to produce fertilizer damage, rotten roots and no flowering. At the same time, attention should be paid to controlling the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, too much nitrogen fertilizer is easy to cause white calla excessive growth. Therefore, we should reasonably apply appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering to ensure the normal flowering of white crane.

3, water reasons

As well as fertilization, watering is also important in caltrop growth. If the watering is insufficient, it is suddenly too dry and the air is too dry. This will have a great impact on the growth of white caltrops. It is also easy to affect the flowering of white crane taro, so we should pay attention to regular hydration, in addition to small water drops irrigation, but also pay attention to proper spraying of water on the leaves to ensure that the leaves have sufficient water. However, we should also pay attention to the amount of watering, not too much watering, to avoid more rotten roots, but also affect the growth of white crane.

4. Soil discomfort

Soil is the key factor to ensure the normal flowering of white caltrop. The soil environment is very important for the growth of white crane. White crane generally likes to grow in acidic soil if the soil is too alkaline and the white crane grows too long. Then it will weaken the growth of white caltrop, thus affecting the flowering of white caltrop. And if it is potted, then pay attention to changing the soil regularly. When the soil is too alkaline, acid substances should be added appropriately to ensure the normal growth of white caltrop.

The above is a simple introduction to why white crane does not bloom. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to help everyone oh!