
What is the reason for the yellow leaves of Gentleman? What about the yellow leaves of Cymbidium?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is the reason for the yellow leaves of Gentleman? What about the yellow leaves of Cymbidium?

Clivia is one of the most popular flowers, clivia evergreen leaves before flowering is also very good viewing effect, if flowering, then it is more beautiful. Therefore, many flower friends will raise a pot or more pots of Clivia at home.

Clivia can grow very well if cultivated properly. However, if the farming is not done properly, some unexpected problems will occur. Especially for some novices who raise flowers, many novice flower friends will have rotten roots and yellow leaves after breeding for a period of time. So what is the reason for Clivia yellow leaves, once yellow leaves occur what to do? Let's introduce Flower Valley to you today.

1. Improper watering

Clivia yellow leaves occur, generally due to improper watering, this is also one of the more high-risk problems when breeding Clivia novices. Improper watering is common in the pot caused by excessive watering of the water soaked roots, such a situation once occurred at the beginning of the performance of yellow leaves. In severe cases, leaves rot and roots rot.

Therefore, when we cultivate Clivia, watering must be in accordance with the law of seeing dry and wet. Watering needs to be thoroughly watered once and pay attention to whether the flowerpot has accumulated water, otherwise a negligence will lead to irreversible situations.

2, improper lighting

Clivia is a semi-negative plant, once exposed to strong light will lead to the occurrence of yellow leaves. Especially in summer when the sun is stronger, easy to be burned by the sun, once burned yellow leaves are irreversible. On the contrary, if it is cultivated in a dark place with insufficient light for a long time, it will also cause the leaves to turn yellow and dull, and in severe cases, bacteria can breed and cause the plants to rot.

Therefore, we cultivate Clivia, in the sun is stronger when we must pay attention to timely shade maintenance. Sunlight can be received when the sun is weak. We usually breed it in a place where there is plenty of scattered light.

3. Improper fertilization

Improper fertilization is also one of the reasons why many novice flower friends are more likely to cause Clivia yellow leaves. No matter who raises flowers and plants, they all want them to grow vigorously. Novices because they can not grasp the amount of fertilizer, often there will be some unexpected fertilizer harm phenomenon. When we fertilize, Clivia leaves yellow, indicating that fertilization may be excessive.

Therefore, no matter what kind of flowers and plants we cultivate, it is more appropriate to use fertilizers according to the principle of thin fertilizer and frequent application, especially for novices! Once over-fertilization occurs, we need to irrigate and dilute it in time and then clean up the accumulated water in time to restore the normal growth state of the plant. Or we can directly change a pot of soil planting, can also save the clivia received fertilizer damage.

4. Other issues

Some diseases will also lead to Clivia yellow leaves, at this time need timely symptomatic prevention, the use of special treatment of yellow spots drugs. If some old leaves slowly turn yellow, but the new leaves are still shiny and do not droop, etc., it is generally a natural metabolic phenomenon. Some flower seedlings grow older, and the old leaves will turn yellow and die.