
What is the reason why the leaves of calla lilies turn yellow?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, What is the reason why the leaves of calla lilies turn yellow?

Calla lily is a sturdy perennial herb of Araceae. It is distributed all over our country, and the ornamental value of calla is very high. And although calla lilies are poisonous, they can also be used as medicine and have the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification. However, when many people raise calla lilies, they will find that calla lilies are prone to yellowing. So what is the reason for the yellow leaves of calla lilies? Let's take a look at it with the editor.

1. Improper watering

Calla lilies like to grow in a wetter environment, but we should also pay attention to controlling the amount of water. Because the waterlogging tolerance of calla lilies is relatively poor, if there is stagnant water in the soil, then the roots of calla lilies will be greatly affected, for example, rotting roots will cause calla lilies leaves to turn yellow. However, there can be no lack of water, if the soil is too dry, it is easy to cause calla lilies leaves to dry and yellowing. Therefore, we should pay attention to control the watering work, too much watering, long-term rain to loosen the soil drainage in time, soil drought should be properly watered to keep the soil moist. Do not water the leaf center when watering to avoid causing soft rot.

2. Improper fertilization

Calla lilies also have a large demand for fertilizer, and sufficient nutrition is needed to ensure calla lilies bloom. But as with watering, if the fertilizer is too much and the concentration is too high, it is easy to cause fertilizer damage and damage to the roots of calla lilies. Naturally, it will cause the phenomenon of yellow leaves of calla lilies, and if there is insufficient fertilization, calla lilies may also have yellow leaves due to lack of nutrition. If you apply too much fertilizer, you should water and wash the fertilizer in time, or replace the new soil and wash the roots. Under the premise of ensuring adequate growth and nutrition of calla lilies, the amount of fertilizer should be controlled and not too much fertilizer should be applied.

3. Temperature discomfort

The temperature requirement for calla lily growth is relatively high, and calla lilies like to grow in a warmer environment. Its cold resistance is very poor, too high and low temperature is very disadvantageous to the growth of calla, but also very easy to appear yellow leaf phenomenon. Therefore, we should pay attention to control the temperature, in the summer high temperature season, we should pay attention to do a good job of shading to avoid direct light. By the same token, in winter, it is necessary to prevent cold and heat preservation, so as to avoid frostbite and yellowing of calla lilies leaves caused by too low temperature.

4. Other reasons

In addition to the above reasons, poor ventilation is also one of the main reasons for the yellowing of calla leaves. If calla is in a closed environment for a long time, then the air quality becomes worse, the lack of oxygen content will affect the growth of the whole plant, yellow leaves and other phenomena. In addition, in terms of lighting, calla lilies have a relatively large demand for light. If the light is insufficient or too strong, it is very disadvantageous to the growth of calla lilies, so we must pay more attention to it.

The above is a brief introduction to the reason why the leaves of calla lilies turn yellow. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.