
High-yield Management techniques of Bingtang Orange

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, High-yield Management techniques of Bingtang Orange

Bingtang orange, also known as Bingtang orange, is an improved variety of sweet orange, its taste is sweet, the skin is thin, the meat is crisp and tender, and the nutrition is excellent. Regular consumption can clear heat and detoxify, relieve cough and expectoration, clear eyes, and diuresis, which has a lot of benefits to the human body. Now there are many plants in many places, so how to manage to increase the output of ice sugar oranges? Come and have a look with the editor.

1. Prepare before sowing

Land with sufficient light, no pollution, low altitude and excellent drainage and irrigation should be selected, and a hole should be dug in the ground with a depth of not less than 30 cm. This can improve the softness and permeability of soil, enhance nutrient absorption and water conservation and fertility. In addition, the selection of cultivated varieties is also more important. It is suggested that large area growers should choose Jinhong and Jinyu varieties. These two varieties have neat fruit shape, bright and clean fruit surface, good fruit quality, strong harvest and high yield, and high economic value.

2. Fertilizer management

For young trees, we should follow the principle of frequent application, small amount and many times, pour enough fixed root water after planting, and begin to apply fertilizer after one month, and each shoot emergence is the root application of microbial stimulant + strong base fertilizer for 2 times. this is beneficial to the sprouting of new shoots and the health of branches, and organic fertilizer should also be paid attention to in winter. On the other hand, the fruiting trees should be fertilized before spring shoot sprouting and flowering, mainly based on base fertilizer, combined with sea elves microbial stimulant root application, to promote germination and improve flowering quality. Foliar fertilizer can be sprayed at flowering stage to supplement vitamins, which can increase fruit setting rate and apply strong fruit fertilizer from July to August, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and organic fertilizer to promote the expansion of young fruit.

3. Trim and reshape

The main purpose of young tree pruning is to shape the tree type, and 3 or 4 branches can be selected after the budding period, which can be truncated, which can promote the emergence of buds and form a good crown. For the fruiting tree, the dry branches and the thorns on the branches should be cut off in spring. After the end of the second physiological fruit drop, the pepper will cut short flowers and drop fruit branches, thinning pest branches, declining branches and too many weak branches. During the fruit expansion period, the strong, vigorous and steep summer and autumn shoots were carried out.

4. Pest control

It is extremely important for the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, which will seriously affect the growth organs of ice sugar orange, weakening photosynthesis of branch fruit trees, insufficient nutrition accumulation, and decreasing flowering and fruit setting rate. it will affect the quality and yield in varying degrees, and even cause the death of fruit trees in serious cases. The diseases and insect pests promoted by ice sugar orange are anthracnose and red spider. before prevention and control, we should first understand their symptoms, and then often observe the growth of fruit trees, and deal with them in time as soon as they are found to reduce losses.

The above is the introduction of the high-yield management technology of Bingtang Orange. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.