
How to take care of the gentleman orchid after Xie Hua, remove the abortive stem and change the soil quality

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to take care of the gentleman orchid after Xie Hua, remove the abortive stem and change the soil quality

After the flower fade, the gentleman orchid needs to remove its remnant flower stem to avoid the consumption of nutrients, and it also needs to replace the new humus soil, and do not water it within 5 days before the change. After the change, you need to apply a certain amount of cake fertilizer and supplement nutrients. Keep the soil moist and keep it in a cool place for 10 days.

Post-flowering nursing methods of gentleman orchid 1. Remove the abortive stem

Many flower friends do not know how to take care of the orchid after flowering. In addition to collecting the seeds, they also need to remove the residual flowers and abortive stems, otherwise they will consume too many nutrients, prevent excessive nutrient consumption in the plant, restore the growth of the orchid as soon as possible, and remove the garbage in the flowerpot in time to prevent the growth of bacteria.

2. Change the soil

When the gentleman orchid fades, you need to change the soil once, use humus soil to replant, and spray water on the soil surface until it is moist after planting, but it is important to remind everyone not to water it five days before the flowerpot, otherwise it will be difficult to remove the pot.

3. Apply cake fertilizer

Magnolia needs to consume a lot of nutrients at flowering stage, so it needs to supplement nutrients after flower fade in order to maintain the growth of the plant. The fertilizer used can choose mature cake fertilizer with relatively long effect and low concentration. It is not easy to produce fertilizer damage after fertilization, which is conducive to the absorption of nutrients by the roots.

4. Shade maintenance

After the completion of soil exchange and fertilization, it needs to be maintained in the shade to avoid light. During this period, small water can be irrigated every 3 days to keep the soil moist. After 10 days, it needs to be moved into the environment of astigmatism. Absorb more than 5 hours of light a day.