
The flowering time of the lily of the valley

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The flowering time of the lily of the valley

The flowering period of the lily is from May to June and the fruiting period is from July to September. The specific flowering time is determined according to the climate at that time. The higher the temperature, the earlier the flowering time. During the flowering period, it is necessary to ensure proper light, maintain it in a bright place, and control the amount of water to keep the soil slightly moist. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied once before flowering and once a month during flowering.

First, the blooming time of the lily of the valley.

The lily orchid is a common ornamental flower. Its flowering period is from May to June and its fruiting period is from July to September. The specific time is determined according to the climate at that time, the higher the temperature, the earlier the flowering time of the plant.

Second, the maintenance skills of the flowering period of the lily.

1. Suitable lighting

The lily should be given proper light during its flowering, and it is recommended to keep it in a bright place, which is more conducive to plant growth and prolong its flowering period. Shading should be carried out in time when the light is too strong to avoid damage to the plant caused by strong light.

2. Control watering

During the blooming period, the amount of water should be controlled, watering strictly according to the dry and humidity of the soil, keeping the soil moist, there can be no stagnant water, which will lead to rotten roots and flowers falling ahead of time.

3. Controlled fertilization

During this period of time, it is necessary to control the amount of fertilizer application. Applying phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once before flowering can achieve the effect of promoting and protecting flowers. It is recommended to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once a month after flowering, not too much or too thick fertilizer.