
What should beginners pay attention to when raising scorpions?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What should beginners pay attention to when raising scorpions?

The profit of raising scorpions is still good, which is the choice of many people. However, insects such as scorpions are not easy to breed, and they belong to a more meticulous breeding project. for beginners, there are a lot of problems to pay attention to when raising them. Let's find out which problems we should pay attention to.

1. Temperature management

Scorpions are mild creatures and are sensitive to temperature. If the temperature is slightly lower, they will choose to sleep, or their own activity will be very low. And breeding scorpions only its active can grow fast, so the daily temperature of scorpion breeding ground is recommended to be controlled at about 25 ℃, try not to be higher than 35 ℃, so that scorpions will basically be in the most vigorous stage, no matter how high the temperature is, it is easy to cause scorpions to die. This is the first thing that beginners should pay attention to. Try to keep the temperature of the scorpion pool constant.

2. Environment

The environment of the breeding site is also one of the places to pay attention to. Scorpions are more aware of sound and vibration, and are easily affected by these factors. if they last for a long time, scorpions will not eat. In general, do not touch the cover in the scorpion pool, which will stimulate the scorpion, the second is to keep the venue quiet. In addition, the best place to choose is a drier place. Scorpions like to be in a dark environment, but heavy moisture will increase their risk of getting sick.

3. Adequate feed

Feed preparation is a key place to raise scorpions, one of its taboos is the singleness of feed, a single feed is very difficult to raise scorpions. Secondly, scorpions like fresh food, so pay attention to the freshness of the feed when feeding. Generally speaking, yellow powder insects, soft-shelled turtle worms and cockroaches are all food for scorpions, and some raw meat scorpions are also eaten. Scorpions may use their own kind as food when they are hungry, so feed must be well prepared, otherwise some scorpions will be lost in vain. If you need more, you can consider self-feeding these feeds to facilitate daily feeding.

4. Introduction nearby

Introduction is an important process for scorpions, especially for beginners. Many people have problems in introduction. The most common problem is that the distance between introduction is too far, which leads to soil and water disobedience and mass death. Therefore, the first point of introduction is the nearest introduction, so the probability of disobedience of soil and water will be much less. Secondly, it is not recommended to use wild scorpions as scorpions, after all, cultivating high-quality scorpion seedlings is relatively high technical requirements, in addition to low controllability, the quality of wild scorpions is not guaranteed, there is no need for beginners to take this risk.

Do not breed scorpions on a large scale at the beginning, it is recommended to be familiar with the breeding process on a small scale, so that you have time not only to understand the market situation, but also to ponder the breeding technology, the risk is relatively small. For the aquaculture industry, stability is a profit, not to mention the scorpion's early investment is also a lot.