
How to manage papaya trees in winter

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, How to manage papaya trees in winter

Papaya is a typical tropical plant, so papaya needs higher temperatures to grow. The ability to withstand low temperatures is not strong, and after entering winter, because the temperature is low and frost is more, it is extremely vulnerable. Therefore, we should pay attention to the management work in winter, so how to manage papaya trees in winter? The following small series will give you a brief introduction. Let's take a look together!

1, increase the base fertilizer

In winter, papaya tree base fertilizer application is the first good management work. If you want to grow safe, green organic fruit, then before the soil freezes, apply enough organic fertilizer to each plant to help papaya trees survive safely. The papaya garden is usually deep turned in late September, combined with basal fertilizer. Base fertilizer to manure, manure based, with appropriate quick-acting fertilizer. According to the age of the control of good application, if it is a young tree, then each plant into about 20-25kg, if it is an adult tree, then to apply about 40kg.

2. Control autumn shoots

In autumn, the growth of new shoots will enter the peak period, thus forming autumn shoots. If the autumn shoots are prosperous and long, it will lead to excessive nutrient consumption of papaya trees, tree vigor decline, resulting in papaya dormancy affected. Therefore, in October-November, ring cutting should be carried out in the smooth place of papaya tree trunk, ring cutting to xylem, and then applying medicine such as flower promoting king to ring cutting place. If the growth is more prosperous, then about half a month or so will be used once, if the tree is weak, once a month can be used. Proper application of flower promotion to control autumn shoots can improve the dormancy quality of papaya trees, avoid the phenomenon of big and small years, and ensure the safe overwintering of papaya trees.

3. Clean up the garden

Garden cleaning is also very important after the papaya trees are harvested in autumn. Should be carried out after the papaya tree leaves, cut off the old dead branches, and leaves, weeds concentrated out of the orchard to do burning treatment. Then clean up the trunk of the skin, old skin, etc., spray the tree sulfur mixture, tree protection generals and other chemicals for disinfection, eliminate latent in the tree overwintering bacteria pests. Then the trunk is also coated with whitening agent to play the role of anti-freezing insulation. Finally, the eggs in the bark and tree cracks should be carefully inspected and eliminated to eliminate the source of disease and insect infection to the greatest extent.

4. Do a good job of pruning

Winter pruning of papaya trees is also very important, winter pruning time should be in December-February. Do not prune too late, otherwise it is easy to appear lobular phenomenon, when pruning, to the trunk too thick main branches, thinning out about two, from bottom to top, improve the permeability of the crown. Then, we should remove competitive branches, excessive branches and some fruit branches that will affect the tree vigor in time. Then for whorls, overlapping branches and other branches to first thin strong sparse principle, appropriate adjustment every year. Finally, thinning, retraction, pulling and other methods should be used for pruning. After pruning, treat the wound to avoid dry cracks and germs.

The above is a brief introduction to how to manage papaya trees in winter. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to help everyone oh!