
There are several kinds of violets, which are classified according to three major aspects.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, There are several kinds of violets, which are classified according to three major aspects.

Violet, also known as sweet-scented osmanthus, is a perennial plant of Cruciferae. Its mainstream market in Europe has been very good since it was introduced in China, and it has been loved by many flower friends. In order to have a better understanding of violets, here we will introduce several kinds of violets by the Rich Tree House.

Introduction of Violet species

Flower pattern classification

There are several kinds of violets, which are mainly classified according to flower types, single violets and double violets. The main difference between them is that single flowers can seed but double violets can not.

Single Violet: for single Violet, it is easy to distinguish. Basically, it can be seen at a glance that the single seed is very full, it propagates widely, and it is easy to breed. It is one of the more popular varieties.

Double Violet: comparatively speaking, double Violet mainly depends on its ornamental value, of course, this also depends on personal aesthetics. Double violets can not produce seeds, most flat seeds, the growth of plants are double.

Florescence classification

Now violets can bloom all year round, and according to the flowering period of violets, because different species bloom in different seasons, they can be divided into four categories: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The florescence of spring violets is from April to May, that of summer violets is from June to August, that of autumn violets is from July to September, and that of winter violets is from October to December. It is also most convenient to classify violets in this way.

Color classification

There are also many colors of violets, of which the five main colors are: red purple, blue purple, royal purple, violet and pink purple, which are also the five most famous colors at present.

The above content is a detailed introduction to several kinds of violets. Through the above analysis, we can have a better and more comprehensive understanding of the varieties of violets.