
What about the fruit trees?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What about the fruit trees?

There are many varieties of fruit trees in our country, and some of them, especially when they are young. In winter and spring, because it is too dry and lack of water, its branches are prone to wrinkle, dry crack and other bad phenomena, this is the fruit tree stripping. The striping of fruit trees has a great effect on the growth and yield of fruit trees. So what should we do about the fruit trees? The following editor will give you a brief introduction, let's have a look!

1. Burying the soil in winter

Generally speaking, prevention is the main way to draw strips of fruit trees, and young trees are the most important among them. So in winter, for annual young trees, we should bend the soil before it freezes. Then bury it in wet soil, so that the branches in the wet soil, the rate of water evaporation is very slow. It can not only survive the winter safely, but also avoid the phenomenon of striping because of winter drought and spring drought. When the soil is relatively dry, it is necessary to do a good job of watering, wait until the water content is suitable and then bury it with wet soil, and then remove the buried soil after the next spring.

2. Wrap plastic strips

If the young trees are larger, then it is not suitable to bury the soil. At this time, we should pay attention to pruning in advance, which is immediately wrapped with plastic strips. Plastic strips do not need to be of good quality, use commonly used plastic film. But we must pay attention to wrapping it strictly to prevent it from falling by the wind. First wrap the top tightly, and then circle from top to bottom until the whole branch is wrapped. Usually young trees have to wrap up every branch, but for young trees that have been transplanted for about a year, they are mainly strong and strong branches. The main purpose is to ensure that the crown can be well formed, and the branches with strong growth are prone to strip phenomenon, so we should focus on protection.

3. Covering plastic film

Plastic film mulching can not only improve the water retention of the soil, but also maintain the soil temperature. In the south, the soil covered with plastic film in winter is basically unfrozen. And in early spring, if there is plenty of sunshine, then the temperature can reach about 10 degrees. And it is also when the aboveground branch water evaporation is large, at this time the root system also gradually began to move, can timely supplement water consumption, so as to achieve the purpose of preventing striping. Generally speaking, plastic film should be spread on both sides of young trees after overwintering water in autumn and winter. if the distance between plants is small, the plastic film should not be cut off and pressed with soil.

4. Proper cultivation of soil

If the fruit trees are larger, it will be troublesome to wrap plastic strips, but in order to ensure that the fruit trees can survive the winter safely. The autumn of the treatment should be poured into sufficient frozen water and then covered with film. We should also build a mound to keep out the wind in the north, about 30cm from the fruit trees. Let the root in a leeward, sufficient light environment, so as to increase the soil temperature, ensure root growth and water absorption, and prevent striping phenomenon. If the mound is buried around the tree trunk, it should be removed in time in the spring, because this method can only be used to prevent cold in winter, not to prevent striping.

The above is a brief introduction to what to do with the extraction of fruit trees. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.