
What is the reason for the peel of ginger flower

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is the reason for the peel of ginger flower

Ginger is a very important condiment when we make dishes. There is a very large planting area in our country, and when planting ginger, if it is not managed properly, ginger will be infected with bacteria. Then it is easy to appear flower skin phenomenon, and flower skin will seriously reduce the commodity value and planting benefit of ginger. So what is the reason for the peel of ginger? The following editor will give you a brief introduction, let's have a look! +

1. Continuous cropping and continuous cropping

When we plant ginger, we need to do a good job of crop rotation. Ginger is not suitable for continuous cropping, if ginger is planted year after year, then there will be many germs, diseases and insects in the soil, and ginger is also very easy to be infected with diseases and insect pests in the process of growth, resulting in flower skin and other phenomena. Therefore, when we plant ginger, we must pay attention to non-continuous cropping. For the areas where ginger continuous cropping is more serious, we should at least rotate it with Gramineae crops for more than three years. Reduce the soil-borne diseases of ginger, avoid bad phenomena such as flower peel, and ensure its planting benefit.

2. Excessive acid in soil

Soil is the main reason for the appearance of flower skin in ginger. For example, if the soil is too sour, it will inhibit the absorption of calcium and boron by ginger. Thus affecting the growth of the aboveground part of ginger plant, reducing the disease resistance of ginger, resulting in the appearance of flower peel. Therefore, we should pay attention to regularly check the pH of the soil, maintain a suitable PH value, the soil must not be too acidic. If the soil is acidified, then materials such as quicklime should be used to neutralize in time. Then properly apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to improve the disease resistance of ginger plants and reduce the occurrence of bad phenomena.

3. Soil consolidation

In addition to excessive acidity in the soil can lead to ginger peel, soil consolidation can also lead to one of the "culprits" of ginger peel. The main edible part of ginger is tuber root, so the growth of tuber root is very important. When we plant ginger, we should maintain a good soil environment. If the soil is hardened or the soil is too sticky, it will affect the respiration and nutrient absorption of ginger roots. As a result, ginger can not grow normally and many phenomena such as flower peel appear. Therefore, when planting, we should pay attention to do a good job of mid-ploughing, reasonable watering, do not flood irrigation, lead to soil consolidation, timely drainage after rain, break soil consolidation.

4. Low-lying terrain

In fact, the reason for the low-lying terrain is similar to that of soil consolidation. Because in low-lying areas, the soil is easy to accumulate water, if there is no timely drainage, then it will also affect the breathing of ginger roots. Then coupled with high humidity, poor permeability and other reasons, it is very easy to produce flower skin phenomenon. Therefore, before planting, we should try to choose places with flat terrain and good drainage and irrigation capacity to plant, and drain water in time on cloudy and rainy days to avoid stagnant water. Then we should also do a good job in fertilization, mainly compound fertilizer, in addition, we should also supplement trace elements to ensure that the growth of ginger has adequate nutrition.

The above is a brief introduction to the reason for the peel of ginger flowers. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.