
What about the yellow leaves of peanuts?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, What about the yellow leaves of peanuts?

Peanut is a common grain crop in China, but also a major oil crop in China. In China, there is a very wide planting area, peanut planting technology is simple, the yield is relatively high, and it is loved by many growers. However, when many people grow peanuts, the phenomenon of yellow leaves often occurs, affecting the normal growth of peanuts. So what about yellow peanut leaves? Let's take a look at it together with Xiaobian below!

1. Peanut yellowing

Most of the time, peanut yellow leaves mainly appear in the position of the ground. The main reason for peanut yellowing is that when harvesters, seeders and other large machinery are working, the crushed position will show a more serious yellowing phenomenon. Because the soil will become harder after being crushed, the soil permeability will become worse, and the roots will only be able to breathe without oxygen. Coupled with high temperature, peanut evaporation is also large, insufficient nutrition and unable to absorb nutrients, resulting in yellow leaves. Therefore, we should pay attention to doing a good job of tilling and loosening soil, improve soil permeability, and let roots develop normally.

2. Individual seedling yellowing

In addition to field yellowing, peanut is also prone to individual seedling yellowing phenomenon. This may be due to the poor quality of peanut seeds, resulting in weak seedling growth, easy to cause lack of nutrients. Moreover, many growers generally keep their own seeds, and the seeds have more moisture when stored, so it is easier to yellow leaves after sowing, and it will cause rotten seeds when it is serious. Or it may be caused by too deep sowing, which usually occurs on stubble peanuts. Therefore, we must not only select high-quality peanut seeds, but also maintain a dry storage environment. When sowing, we should also control the sowing depth, not too deep.

3. Too much water

Many growers like flood irrigation when planting peanuts. Too much water reduces soil permeability, leading to insufficient oxygen, and the ground temperature plummets as a result. The roots are basically unable to breathe, thus affecting the nutrient absorption of peanuts. Causes nutrient loss in the soil, or the soil may not be drained in time to cause standing water. Especially in low-lying plots, excessive moisture can easily lead to soil jointing. Causing large-scale yellow leaf phenomenon of peanuts, so we must pay attention to control the amount of watering, not too much watering, to ensure the normal growth of peanuts.

4. Physiological deficiency

Just mentioned above, such as moisture content, soil hardening, etc. will inhibit peanut nutrient absorption. Cause peanut plant yellow leaves, white, etc., serious when it will lead to dead seedlings. Therefore, we should pay attention to nutritional supplements to meet the nutritional needs of peanut plants. If a single fertilizer is applied excessively, peanuts will appear yellow leaves due to lack of nutrients. Especially high nitrogen fertilizer, high nitrogen fertilizer more words, peanut yellow leaf phenomenon will be more serious. At the same time, it will also aggravate the yellow leaf phenomenon due to the lack of trace elements such as iron, zinc and sulfur.

The above is a simple introduction to what is going on with peanut yellow leaves. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to help everyone oh!