
What about the fallen leaves of kiwifruit?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What about the fallen leaves of kiwifruit?

Kiwifruit is a common fruit, the nutritional value of kiwifruit is very high. It is rich in nutrients and is welcomed by many people. So now there are a lot of people growing kiwifruit. However, when planting kiwifruit, there is often the phenomenon of kiwifruit leaves falling. So what about the fallen leaves of kiwifruit? The following editor will give you a brief introduction, let's have a look!

1. High temperature and drought

High temperature and drought is one of the main reasons for kiwifruit leaf defoliation. Because kiwifruit in high temperature and drought environment, respiration is enhanced, water evaporation will also accelerate, leaves are prone to water loss. Once kiwifruit trees do not have enough water to replenish the evaporated water, the leaves will lose water and wilt, resulting in scorched leaves and so on. So we should pay attention to the weather change and do a good job of watering to meet the water demand of kiwifruit. If it rains heavily in the soil after a long drought, it will also lead to kiwifruit falling leaves, so we should pay more attention to it.

2. Improper pruning

Pruning is an indispensable management work when planting kiwifruit. A reasonable pruning work is the key to improve the permeability of kiwifruit trees. If the pruning is unreasonable, the photosynthesis of kiwifruit trees will be affected by the overpruning or overpruning of the canopy layer. As a result, kiwifruit trees consume too much nutrition, and their leaves fall off due to lack of nutrition. Therefore, we should do a good job in pruning and improve the permeability of trees through summer pruning and autumn pruning. Properly thinning branches and leaves, maintaining a reasonable rate of hanging fruit, etc., to enhance the growth of kiwifruit trees.

3. Too much water

Too much water is also very disadvantageous to the growth of kiwifruit trees. If there is too much water in the soil, it will reduce the permeability of the soil, causing the roots to lack oxygen and unable to breathe. It reduces the nutrient absorption capacity of the leaves, and at least grabs the nutrients from the leaves in the middle and lower parts of the tree, resulting in the defoliation of the middle and lower leaves. And if you stay in a rainy day for a long time, then the photosynthesis of the leaves will also be affected, inhibiting the rhesus monkeys to produce their own nutrition and speed up the phenomenon of defoliation. Therefore, we should pay attention to control the amount of water and do a good job of clearing and ploughing the garden after fruit harvest. When entering the rainy season, it is necessary to open ditches and drain in time to avoid stagnant water.

4. Other reasons

If the rhesus monkey peach tree hangs too much fruit, it will affect the leaf function, which will lead to the speed of leaf senescence. Therefore, it is necessary to reasonably control the amount of hanging fruit to avoid consuming too much nutrition. Then there is fertilizer damage, which usually causes kiwifruit leaves to be burned out. Resulting in blackening of leaves, dry, fallen leaves and other phenomena. Therefore, we must control the amount of fertilizer and medicine to avoid fertilizer damage and drug damage. Finally, there are diseases and insect pests and other reasons will cause kiwifruit leaf fall phenomenon, we must pay more attention.

The above is a brief introduction to the fallen leaves of kiwifruit. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.