
Four Preventive measures for Chicken Infectious Diseases

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Four Preventive measures for Chicken Infectious Diseases

For chicken farmers, the biggest fear is that the chicken is sick, and the most worry is the outbreak of infectious diseases, once spread, not only fast, but also cause great losses. So in order to avoid the outbreak of chicken infectious diseases, chicken farmers need to take preventive measures, let's take a look.

1. Disinfection

The key points in the daily management of chicken breeding during disinfection, especially when the epidemic is high, must be done well, such as foreign vehicles and personnel should not enter the chicken farm as far as possible. If it is their own vehicles and staff in and out of the chicken coop should also be disinfected in advance, so as not to bring germs into the chicken cottage. In addition, it is necessary to disinfect the floor, walls and troughs of the chicken house, especially caged chickens, which need to be disinfected in time, and the feces of the chickens need to be cleaned up in time every day.

2. Feed collocation

In the feed collocation should also pay attention to good, should pay attention to balanced nutrition collocation, only the chicken eat well, the physique will be better, with a strong physique, naturally there will be a strong disease resistance. When feeding, it should also be noted that each feeding should not be too much, the temperature and humidity of the chicken house are still relatively high, the feed is extremely prone to mildew after being poured out, and the physique of chickens will become very poor after eating moldy feed. Moldy feed will also breed germs and bacteria, leading to chicken disease. Therefore, when feeding, we must ensure that the feed is clean and clean, and the moldy feed must be disposed of in time.

3. Pay attention to observation

Chickens have some symptoms in the early stage of the disease, so they must be observed carefully. many say that chickens are in a hurry when they get sick, but in fact, a large part of them are due to neglect of observation. If they had been observed earlier, if they had been isolated as soon as possible, the loss could be reduced a little bit. In particular, it is quieter at night, which is also easy to observe. in addition, when the lights are turned on, healthy chickens should be relatively alive and will show positive eating. If they stay still, then there is basically a problem.

4. Vaccine

Vaccination of chickens is also more important, when the chicks are seven days old, they need to be vaccinated for the first time, and then they need to be vaccinated in both spring and autumn. Vaccination is the most effective measure to prevent diseases. If infectious diseases occur in chickens and cannot be cured after isolation, they can be eliminated in time to minimize losses.

The above is the introduction of the four major preventive measures of chicken infectious diseases. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.