
The importance of Light to Flowers and plants

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The importance of Light to Flowers and plants

In the vast majority of articles on flower cultivation, the question of whether there is sufficient light is mentioned, because flowers and plants cannot do without light in photosynthesis, and many flowers and plants can flourish only under sufficient light conditions. however, light plays a key role in the healthy growth of flowers and plants, so let's learn more about it.

1. Different flowers have different requirements for light.

1. Positive flowers

Most flowers and fruits are positive flowers, such as Magnolia, rose, pomegranate, plum blossom, crape myrtle, citrus and so on. There are also a few positive flowers in foliage flowers, such as cycads, palms, variable-leaf trees and so on. Most aquatic flowers, cacti and succulent plants are also positive flowers. All positive flowers like strong light and are not resistant to shade. If there is not enough sunlight, it is easy to cause the branches and leaves to grow, the tissue is soft and weak, the leaf color becomes pale and yellowish, it is not easy to blossom or is not good, and is vulnerable to diseases and insect pests.

two。 Negative flowers

Grow well in shaded environment, such as asparagus, camellia, rhododendron, hairpin, green pineapple, evergreen, ivy, paulownia, tortoise back bamboo, begonia, etc., if exposed to strong light for a long time, the branches and leaves wither and yellow, growth stagnant, serious or even death.

3. Neutral flowers

Grow well under the condition of sufficient sunshine, but there is no principle to add shade when the light intensity is strong in summer, such as sweet-scented osmanthus, jasmine, magnolia, eight immortal flowers and so on. To sum up, all kinds of flowers have different requirements for light and light, and even the same flower has different requirements for light at different stages of growth and development. positive chrysanthemums are required to form buds under short-day conditions.

Bauhinia flower

Second, light affects the growth and development of flowers.

1. The intensity of the light determines the time when some flowers bloom. Flowers such as Scutellaria barbata and sorrel only bloom at noon on a sunny day. Evening primrose, jasmine and evening jade only give off fragrance in the evening. And the beautiful flowers of epiphyllum reveal their fragrance at night. Morning glory is the most beautiful at sunrise in the morning.

two。 The intensity of light affects the color of the flower. The color of alpine tropical flowers is more colorful than that of flat flowers. The color of the same variety of flowers is brighter outdoors than indoors.

3. The length and intensity of light also affect the germination of flower seeds. For example, primrose and begonia seeds are called light seeds, they germinate better under exposure (not covered with soil), but taro must be covered with soil after sowing and cannot germinate under light conditions. Light also affects the formation and growth of vegetative organs and dormancy of flowers.

Therefore, the maintenance of any kind of flower and plant must first understand its growth habits, can not blindly give what it thinks it needs, reasonable giving can cultivate flowers and plants with luxuriant flowers and leaves and fragrant smell.