
A smooth culture method of indoor flowers and plants

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, A smooth culture method of indoor flowers and plants

In recent years, there are many people who breed smoothly. I have to admit that just hearing its name makes people have the impulse to cultivate it. Its name is the pursuit of people. Can it not be liked by people? But I also believe that many people are not clear about smooth farming methods, resulting in many problems in the process of breeding. Today, the editor will introduce smooth farming methods and other matters needing attention.

First of all, let's learn about this variety. Because the folk feel that white palm has a kind of auspicious meaning, it has a good name according to the image of its flowers. Due to the beauty of white palm flowers and leaves, light and colorful, exuberant growth, and shade-resistant, it is favored by people and is often used for indoor greening and beautification decoration. It is an excellent foliage plant, which can be planted in the south and many potted plants in other areas. White palm is an "expert" who suppresses exhaust gases exhaled by the body, such as ammonia and acetone. It can also filter benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde in the air. Its high evaporation rate can prevent dryness of nasal mucosa and greatly reduce the possibility of disease. This beautiful indoor plant, native to the Venezuelan rainforest, is undoubtedly a medical and biological miracle.

A smooth farming method

1. Watering, smooth sailing has a high demand for water, and the wettability of the basin soil must be always maintained; but it is necessary to avoid watering too much, once too much watering, a large amount of water accumulates in the basin, it is easy to cause rotten roots and plants to wither and yellow. in addition, it should be noted that in summer and drought, we should often spray water to the leaf surface and the ground to improve air humidity, so as to be conducive to its growth.

2. Light, smooth sailing is more shady, so it is suitable to grow in a semi-shady environment, and avoid direct sunlight. According to the experiment, about 60% of the scattered light can meet the needs of smooth sailing growth, so it can be cultured indoors with bright scattered light all the year round. If it is exposed to strong light, it will cause the leaves to turn yellow and even directly sunburn.

3, temperature, plain sailing likes high temperature, especially afraid of cold, the most suitable growth temperature is 20Mui 28 ℃, once it is put indoors in winter, the lowest temperature it can withstand is 10 degrees, so it should be paid attention to in winter, so relatively speaking, the farming conditions in the north are too poor, smooth sailing for a long time in low temperature, it will cause root rot, leaves fall off or scorched yellow, serious even lead to death.

4, basin soil, basin soil is the basis of breeding, smooth sailing during the growth should often keep the basin soil moist, but to avoid stagnant water in the basin, basin soil long-term stagnant water will cause rotten roots and plants withered and yellow, if once this happens, take off the basin, then blow dry, and then put it back in.

Methods to deal with the problems that are easy to occur in the process of culture

1. Improper lighting; White crane taro needs better light in winter and early spring, and when the light is strong, it is fed by semi-overcast or scattered light. It is best to give sufficient light conditions in winter, which is not only conducive to thick green leaves, but also conducive to overwintering.

2, humidity; White crane taro needs higher growth humidity, if the air is too dry, it will cause leaf wilting.

3, improper fertilization; fertilization should be thin fertilizer, do not apply thick fertilizer or raw fertilizer, and after the application of solid fertilizer irrigated clear water, it is best to use thin fertilizer instead of clear water irrigation, so that generally will not produce fertilizer damage, and the plant growth is luxuriant.

4. Temperature discomfort, which is easy to occur when the temperature is below 5 ℃ or higher than 35 ℃.

5. Insect pests; if harmful mites are harmful, the leaves show bad symptoms such as wilting, gloss desalination, yellow blight and so on, which can be controlled by spraying special mites, such as triclofenac, Nisolan, pyridaben and so on.

Disease and pest control methods of smooth sailing in the process of culture

Common bacterial leaf spot, brown spot and anthracnose damage leaves can be sprayed with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500 times. In addition to root rot and stem rot, in addition to paying attention to ventilation and reducing humidity, control with 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 800 times. Sometimes the harm of shell insects and red spiders occurs, which can be prevented by spraying 1500 times of 50% marathon EC.