
What if the leaves of Milan turn yellow?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, What if the leaves of Milan turn yellow?

Alkaline soil causes Milan flowers to yellowing can be dripped with ferrous sulfate solution, light is too strong or lack of light needs to adjust light, lack of water or watering too much to control the moisture in the basin soil, moist but not stagnant water, too low temperature to raise the temperature of Milan's growing environment, lack of fertilizer to supplement fertilizer, excessive fertilization needs watering to dilute fertilizer.

1. Acidified soil

Milan flowers do not like to grow in alkaline soil. If Milan is cultivated in clay and alkaline soil, it is easy to cause Milan leaves to turn yellow, so breeding Milan flowers should be cultivated in slightly acidic sandy loam. adding ferrous sulfate solution to the soil can also make the soil sour.

2. Regulating the growth of Milan requires sufficient light. If there is not enough light for a long time, its leaves will turn yellow and soft, so it should be moved to a place with sufficient light for maintenance. Shade should be paid attention to when the temperature and light is too strong in summer. strong direct light will cause macula on the leaf surface.

3. Control moisture

The growth of Milan flower needs more sufficient water. If it is short of water for a long time, it will be dehydrated, and the whole plant will be withered and yellow. It is necessary to replenish water in time, and watering should not be excessive. If too much water is caused, the stagnant water should be discharged in time, and the basin soil needs to be dried.

4, raise the temperature when the temperature is too low in winter, Milan flowers can not grow normally, when the temperature is below 10 ℃, the leaves of Milan will turn yellow, of course, this is normal hibernation, but you can also raise the temperature to avoid yellow leaves, move Milan to an indoor heated room or put it in an incubator to maintain it.

5. Timely fertilization

If the Milan flower shows thin branches, few leaves, and accompanied by the phenomenon of yellow leaves, it means that the Milan flower is undernourished. In this case, it should be fertilized in time. When applying fertilizer, we should pay attention to the application of thin fertilizer frequently. Do not apply too much fertilizer at one time, otherwise it is easy to burn roots. Excessive fertilization requires watering to dilute fertilizer.