
What about orchids growing bugs?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, What about orchids growing bugs?

Orchids are a kind of plant, and of course they inevitably grow worms. There are many kinds of pests, and it is difficult for people who are not professionals to distinguish them one by one. Good farmers simply divide them into three kinds: gnawing roots, eating leaves, and eating flowers.

First, the most common root gnawing pests are ground tigers, as well as those brought in some plants. It is useless to use ordinary spray to deal with this kind of pest, because the solution can not reach the basin soil, and the pest is difficult to get rid of. And irrigation root is afraid to have an impact on Langen, how to do? Good farmers suggest that you can refer to the deworming methods of crops, first make poisonous soil with insecticides (there are many kinds of agricultural capital shops) and fine sand, and then mix them in the plant material. Or use a small gauze bag to fill a high concentration of poisonous soil and put it inside the bottom of the basin, which can kill pests.

Second, leaf-eating pests can be sprayed, but some stubborn (scale insects) need to be manually erased and destroyed out of the garden before spraying with drugs. Spraying time is the best in the evening, this is the time for pests to eat, and the liquid is not easy to evaporate, some internal drugs can slowly infiltrate into the leaves.

Third, most of the people who eat flowers are aphids, and aphids multiply very quickly. Aphids secrete a very sticky juice, which harms not only flowers but also leaves. Found to use medicine immediately, agricultural stores have a kind of imidacloprid to deal with aphids is very good, in spraying should pay attention to spray through, do not let go of every leaf and petal.