
What should be paid attention to in dragon boat flower culture?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What should be paid attention to in dragon boat flower culture?

Dragon boat flower is a kind of highly ornamental flower plant, which is widely distributed in our country. Loved by many people, it is not only raised in many families, but also has a lot of breeding bases. When we breed dragon boat flowers, there are many things that need our attention. So what should we pay attention to when raising dragon boat flowers? The following editor will give you a brief introduction, let's have a look!

1. Lighting

The dragon boat flower has a great demand for light during its growth. Especially in the dragon tooth stem and leaf growth period, sufficient light can effectively improve the glossiness of leaves. Promote the formation of inflorescence, improve the uniformity of flowering and ornamental value. Although the dragon boat flower can grow normally in the semi-shade environment. However, the leaves of dragon boat flowers are lighter and dim, and the number of blossoms will decrease, which will have a great impact on ornamental. However, in the summer strong light environment, we still have to properly shade to prevent leaf burns, affecting the normal growth of dragon boat flowers.

2. Temperature

When raising dragon boat flowers, we should pay attention to controlling the temperature. The suitable temperature for the growth of dragon boat flower is generally about 20 degrees, and the temperature can be controlled in the range of 24-29 degrees in spring, summer, early autumn and other seasons. After entering late autumn and winter, although the temperature drops, it should be kept between 13 and 18 degrees. The lowest temperature in winter can not be lower than zero, if it is below zero, then the dragon boat flower is extremely vulnerable to frost damage. The dragon boat flower's ability to withstand high temperature is relatively strong, so we should pay attention to the temperature change to avoid too low temperature.

3. Moisture

The dragon boat flower likes to grow in a humid environment and is very poor in drought tolerance. Like the demand for light, the demand for water is the greatest during the growing period of the stems and leaves of dragon boat flowers. Therefore, we must pay attention to keep the soil moist, if the soil is too dry, it will have a great impact on the shoot germination and leaf growth of the dragon boat flower plant. But do not have too much water, otherwise the roots are easy to be rotted by stagnant water, hindering the blooming of dragon boat flowers. To keep the soil water content stable, if the water content is not timely, then the dragon boat flower is very easy to lose its leaves.

4. Other

During the growing period of the dragon boat flower, we have to pursue fattening every two weeks or so. Fertilizers are generally based on compound fertilizers such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and the proportion is controlled to be mixed with water. And an appropriate amount of liquid fertilizer for ripening and fermentation should be added. Then we have to do a good job of pruning dragon boat flowers, thinning the branches of the plant and improving the permeability of the plant. In the flowering period, properly pick the heart, promote the dragon boat flower normal pregnancy bud, improve the flowering rate.

The above is a brief introduction of what we should pay attention to in dragon boat flower culture. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can be helpful to everyone.