
Peanut Rebellion 02 "the central government called for a guaranteed purchase. The peasant associations in the five major producing areas of Yunlin have different attitudes. Who are the farmers looking for to buy?"

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Peanut Rebellion 02 "the central government called for a guaranteed purchase. The peasant associations in the five major producing areas of Yunlin have different attitudes. Who are the farmers looking for to buy?"

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Yunlin, which accounts for more than 70% of Taiwan's peanut production area, fell into the "peanut chaos" in November. Yunlin County Mayor Zhang Lishan mistakenly accused the Council of Agriculture of opening peanut imports in November with the "golden tender for peanut quota rights next year." then this "bid decision" was also rendered as "imported peanut price" by interested people, causing panic in the producing area.

In order to stabilize the production and marketing order of peanuts and let the prices of the producing areas stop falling and rebounding, the Council of Agriculture offered a guaranteed purchase policy of 67 yuan per kilogram (40 yuan per jin). The top five major peanut producing areas in Yunlin: Yuanzhang, Tuku, Dongshi, Huwei, and Peikang Peasant Association, have different attitudes towards the policy. Peasant associations named by the central government who do not cooperate have complained one after another, pointing out that funds, warehousing and access are the three major problems. Peasant associations want to help but are powerless; there are also peasant associations with the attitude of "Asari", saying that there is no limit on the number of purchases, and farmers in need can approach the peasant associations. (farmers' wishes, please click here)

Li Meirong, director-general of Yuanchang Township Peasant Association (right), is concerned about the black King Kong quality of peanut farmer Wu Yi (left) this year. Yuanchang Township Peasant Association aims to assist in the acquisition of 100 tons of Black King Kong. (photo / Lin Xiejun) Yunlin County Government: I hope the central government will pay attention to the issue of peanut failure.

In response to the fact that Yunlin County Mayor Zhang Lishan detonated this year's "peanut riot," Yunlin County Government Agricultural Director Wei Shengde responded that the county government hoped that the central government would pay attention to the loss of peanut harvest in the second phase of this year, while the county government considered that this year's peanut harvest would be reduced by about 20% and understood the hard work of farmers. It will subsidize 2000 yuan per hectare for 8,000 hectares of peanut fields under its jurisdiction, hoping to help farmers tide over the difficulties.

In addition, Wei stressed that peasant associations other than Huwei, Beigang, Yuanzhang and Kui Bei are "not unwilling to come in and help", but that most peasant associations do not have that much storage space and processing equipment, and the subsidy from the Agriculture and Food Department is limited. Other costs have to be absorbed by the peasant associations themselves. "if the central coordination funds are in place, the warehousing space, and the back sales will help, each peasant association will be willing to help." "at present, most of the peasant associations that participate in the acquisition are those who are already purchasing and processing peanuts, or even have their own brands, and they have sufficient capacity and access, but other peasant associations do not have such conditions, and it is indeed difficult for other peasant associations to participate in the acquisition.

Zhang Wenhuo, a peanut farmer in Tuku, says that although the yield has been reduced by 30% this year under the influence of Rain Water, his peanut field still has a yield of 600 jin per share, and the quality is also good. (photo / Lin Xiejun) Tuku Peasants Association: there is not enough storage space, there is no access to peanuts after purchase.

Chen Tekai, director of the supply and marketing department of Tainan 14, a Turkmen town with a planting area of 1700 hectares, said that the soil warehouse does not meet the "acquisition qualification". The Agriculture and Food Administration requires that the purchasing units must be "capable of processing and selling the purchased products." while the Tuku Peasants Association itself is not enough storage space, it is not doing peanut shelling and processing, and the acquired peanuts have no access. "Peanuts are very special. Special access is needed, because it is not ordinary consumers who will buy, but food processing plants. Coupled with the low yield this year, it will not be in line with the cost for acquirers to buy at high prices. "

He pointed out that if the peasant association did not do it properly, it might lead to the collapse of peanuts. He mentioned that in previous years, the peasant association had intervened in the purchase of garlic, but the garlic merchants saw that the access of the peasant association was limited and could not be sold out, so they waited to see that the warehousing pressure of the peasant association was increasing day by day and could not be stored any more. Once again, the peasant association could only admit its own misfortune and admit the end of compensation. "the peasant association has to be responsible for its own profits and losses. There are so many employees here to make a living. Although we have funds from the credit department, they are members' money and cannot be used at will. "

Chen Tekai said that if the Council of Agriculture can solve the problems of access and profits and losses of peanuts after the acquisition and the funds are available, the Tuku Peasants Association is very willing to cooperate with the policy to purchase peanuts.

Chen Tekai, director of the supply and marketing department of the Turkmen town peasant association, said that funds, warehousing and access are the three major issues to assist in the acquisition. (photo / Lin Xiejun) East potential Peasant Association: did not enter the market to buy, but cooperate as a "registration window"

Chen Hongfei, director of the promotion department in Dongshi Township, which is also planting No. 14 oilbeans, said that the lack of peanut processing equipment and sales channels is the biggest sticking point after the acquisition. On the day of the interview, many peanut farmers entered the peasant association and eagerly asked about the acquisition policy and registration. Chen Hongfei explained that although the Dongshi Peasant Association did not enter the market for purchase, it would still cooperate with the policy and serve as a "registration window." the information on peanut fields that want to participate in the acquisition system will be collected to the Agriculture and Food Administration, and the central government will coordinate the relevant farmers' organizations to carry out market survey and purchase and storage.

At the time of the reporter's visit, a farmer surnamed Lin in Dongshi Township had just gone through the purchase registration at the peasant association, and it was not clear who the purchasing unit was, and the sun farm was covered with peanuts for the fourth day. He hoped that the Agriculture and Food Administration would send people to the site as soon as possible to let him know whether this batch of peanuts "has gone or not."

A staff member of the Dongshi Township Peasant Association said privately that the peanut insurance purchase policy this time was very chaotic, and it was unclear about the matching and assistance of the purchasing units, as well as the items and quality of the peanuts purchased, making it difficult for private units to cooperate. In addition, he points out that peasant associations obviously have the closest relationship with farmers, but there is a chronic shortage of resources and manpower, and the daily routine subsidy work that peasant associations have to do, such as fertilizer subsidies, scholarship applications, agricultural machinery subsidies, and so on, accounts for the vast majority of the staff's time, so that employees have no spare time to coach farmers in field management and help open up market access.

Yuan Chang Peasant Association: if you can, try to pick it up, hoping to drive the market price.

Black King Kong (that is, black peanuts) is fried in the peanut factory, and the cooked and manually selected pods are packed into bags after being packed by conveyor belts. The processing plant behind the Yuanchang Township Peasant Association operates all day, and the office staff are not idle all day. Some peanut farmers rushed into the peasant association before they had time to take off, asking when their fields could be surveyed, and other farmers were also in a hurry to deal with them.