
What if the tomato doesn't grow up?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What if the tomato doesn't grow up?

Tomatoes are widely planted, and various problems will occur during planting, which will affect the yield and quality of tomatoes, while many vegetable farmers report that their tomatoes do not grow up and cannot find solutions. So what if tomatoes don't grow? Let's take a look at it together with Xiaobian.

1. The reason why tomatoes don't grow up

1. Variety

Some varieties have small differences in fruit size, some varieties are suitable for long-term harvest and can bear 17-20 fruits, and this handful of such seeds is more expensive. For ordinary varieties, each fruit is smaller than the previous fruit, and the smaller the fruit at the top, the more suitable for cultivation with short harvest period, generally bearing 3-4 fruits, then pinching the tip, leaving 3-4 fruits per panicle.

2. Fertilizer

The lack of various growth elements in plants will cause the fruit to become smaller. The lack of magnesium, manganese and boron will also affect the size of the fruit. In addition, improper fertilization will also affect the size of the fruit. For example, too much and frequent application of diammonium will cause phosphorus poisoning and the fruit will become smaller; potassium fertilizer will also cause yield reduction; if there is too much boron fertilizer in the shed, the fruit will also become smaller.

3. Cultivation

Improper cultivation and management will also cause tomatoes to grow small, such as no shelf, resulting in plant lodging; In addition, the soil is dry and water shortage, the fruit can not expand normally; Another point is auxin poisoning, at this time the most common reason for the fruit to become smaller in the shed, mainly because of the flowers, not every point of a layer of flowers, auxin accumulated a little, after three or four fruits will be affected, so every 3-4 fruits with gibberellin correction once.

II. Solutions

Before greenhouse planting to flowering, plant growth is small, nitrogen requirement is low, nitrogen fertilizer in basal fertilizer can completely meet plant growth, so nitrogen fertilizer is not necessary at this stage. When entering the flowering stage, with the temperature rising, the growth speed accelerates and the growth volume increases, so nitrogen fertilizer needs to be applied in time to ensure nutrient supply. From the first ear to flower, nitrogen fertilizer can be applied 20-25 kg per mu, combined with potassium fertilizer application to ensure normal growth of tomatoes. In the later stage, the temperature gradually rises and the evaporation amount is large. At this time, the watering interval gradually becomes shorter, so the nitrogen fertilizer applied each time cannot be too much to reduce the loss of nitrogen fertilizer with water.

The above is the tomato does not grow how to do introduction, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.