
How to make white orchids blossom more often

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to make white orchids blossom more often

In order to make the white orchid blossom more and blossom well, the maintenance and management of the white orchid should be strengthened. White orchids like to be warm and afraid of cold, light and smoke, not tolerant to shade, drought and waterlogging. Potted plants should be well drained, sunny, well ventilated and not dry. Need to change the basin before coming out of the room in spring, do not trim the root when changing the basin, keep the original root beard. The culture soil should be humus-rich slightly acidic sandy loam with a small amount of base fertilizer. After changing the basin, put it in the shade to slow down the seedlings, and then put it on the balcony or courtyard leeward to the sun to maintain, need more than 4 hours of light every day.

In addition, the following points need to be mastered:

① picks leaves and hearts. Pick the leaves once before and after leaving the room, remove all the old leaves, and leave only a few leaves on the branches to promote new branches and leaves. Pick the leaves properly after each flower picking to inhibit the growth of the tree potential and promote the bud gestation. During the growth period, it is necessary to pick the heart three times: the first time after the flower fade, to promote the flower bud and give birth to more buds; after that, two more times of heart picking are needed to make the flowers bloom and bloom continuously.

② fertilization. During the flowering period from the first ten days of May to the end of September, the management of fertilizer and water should be strengthened according to the principle of frequent application of thin fertilizer. Mature soybean cake fertilizer solution was applied once every 5 days and alum fertilizer water was applied once every 10 days, and the two fertilizers were carried out alternately. It is necessary to apply 1 Mel 2 times more available phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering, which can make the white orchid smell incessantly.

③ watering. The basin soil should not be too wet, the spring watering should not be much, and it is appropriate to keep the basin soil moist. Prevent drying during the summer growing season to prevent the leaves from scorching and drying. Watering in autumn should be slightly more than that in spring, and it is better to be thoroughly watered each time, and the watering times should be gradually reduced at the end of autumn. In the rainy season, stagnant water should be removed to prevent rotting roots and yellow leaves.