
Planting technology of onion covered with plastic film

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Planting technology of onion covered with plastic film

Plastic film onion is a popular onion planting mode in recent years. Plastic film onions can improve the cold resistance of onions and make them survive the winter safely. Avoid severe freezing of onions, which can also effectively promote onions to return to green in spring. It can also improve the soil water and fertilizer conservation and onion yield. So how to grow plastic film onions? Today, the editor brings you the planting technology of plastic film onion. Let's have a look.

1. Sowing time

The sowing time of plastic film onion is very critical, not too early or too late. If you sow too early, the onion seedlings will grow to a more robust level before winter. As a result, vernalization will occur, resulting in early bolting in the spring of the following year. If the seeds are sown too late, the seedlings are too weak and vulnerable to freezing before winter. The time of returning to green in winter will also be eaten, and the growth of stems and leaves is also very small, resulting in bulb expansion hindered. Therefore, plastic film onions should be sown in mid-September, which is the best time to sow.

2. Soil preparation and fertilization

Before the onion is sown and covered with plastic film, you should pay attention to the preparation of the ground. First of all, we should remove the weeds and straws from the soil, and then carry out deep ploughing and rotary ploughing of the soil, crushing and flattening the border surface to ensure that the maximum diameter of the soil is not more than two centimeters. Then do the border to open the ditch, the ditch to ensure unimpeded, good drainage and irrigation. In soil preparation, we should also apply sufficient base fertilizer, which is mainly composed of diammonium phosphate, organic fertilizer, urea and other fertilizers. Mix the fertilizer evenly and apply it to a topsoil layer of about 12 centimeters. Then, a week before film mulching and planting, irrigation to preserve soil moisture to avoid water loss caused by large area planting of onions and reduce the survival rate.

3. Sowing method

After the land preparation work is done, the seeds can be sown at the right time. The sowing method is mainly sowing, and the fine sand is mixed and sprinkled back and forth for about three times to ensure that the sowing is uniform and the sowing amount per mu is kept at about 5 jin. After sowing, cover with a layer of nutritious soil, and then cover the soil with a layer of grain straw for shade, which can also improve the moisturizing ability and seedling emergence rate. Then pour in a small amount of water properly, and the seedlings can emerge after about a week. Most of the seedlings should be exposed to the mulch after being unearthed, and then sprayed with appropriate amount of chemicals for weeding and sterilization. The seedlings can be planted when the seedlings are two months old, three leaves are one and the height is 22 cm. After planting, plastic film should be covered and management should be strengthened to do a good job of overwintering.

4. Water and fertilizer management

After planting, it is necessary to irrigate the root water in time, and then to control the moisture to promote the emergence of the new root. In addition, anti-freezing water should be poured to ensure that the seedlings can survive the winter safely. In addition, watering should be done well in each period, such as returning to green period, bulb expansion period and so on. In addition, we should also do a good job of fertilization in combination with watering during the period of returning to green and bulb expansion. An appropriate amount of urea should be applied during the green period and should be spread before the rain. Then in the bulb expansion stage, appropriate amount of diammonium phosphate and urea were applied, mainly point application. Finally, we should also pay attention to the application of foliar fertilizer to meet the nutrition of onion growth and avoid plant premature senescence.

The above is a brief introduction to the planting technology of plastic film onion. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can be helpful to everyone.