
How to maintain flowers in winter

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to maintain flowers in winter

Different kinds of flowers have different growth habits and different management measures should be taken to ensure their safe overwintering.

1. Ensure the right temperature

The temperature is relatively low in winter, and the minimum temperature for different flowers to survive the winter is different, so care should be taken to maintain it.

Deciduous woody flowers, such as pomegranate, honeysuckle, rose, green peach, spring, etc., are generally dormant in winter and can be controlled around room temperature. You can also wrap them in plastic film and put them in the leeward of the balcony, or you can pass the winter safely.

Some evergreen woody flowers such as oleander, kumquat and sweet-scented osmanthus are semi-dormant in winter, and the temperature is generally controlled above 0 degrees Celsius to pass the winter safely.

Milan, jasmine, Fusang, pineapple, gardenia and other flowers require an indoor temperature of about 15 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is too low, it will cause the flowers to freeze to death.

For example, herbal flowers such as spring, colourful leaf grass and balsam flower should be kept between 5 degrees Celsius and 15 degrees Celsius at room temperature.

For asparagus, impatiens, geraniums, four seasons crabapple and other perennial herbs, the indoor temperature should be kept at 10-20 degrees Celsius: "

Banyan, palm bamboo, rubber tree, aloe, goose palm wood, epiphyllum, arrows, etc., the lowest room temperature should be 1 ~ 3 degrees Celsius.

The lowest temperature of aloe in winter should not be lower than 2 degrees Celsius.

The suitable temperature for orchid growth in winter is 15 ~ 20 degrees Celsius.

Aquatic flowers, such as lotus, water lilies, water hyacinth, Pingpeng lilies, etc., should release the water in time before frost, move the flowerpot to the cellar or corridor hall, keep the temperature at 5 ^, and spray water properly when the pot soil is dry.

two。 Suitable for lighting, ventilation and ventilation

Potted flowers will be moved indoors one after another in late autumn or early winter, and will be placed in different locations according to the characteristics of different flowers.

Usually, flowers that bloom in winter and spring, plants and plants sown in autumn, and flowers that like bright light and high temperature, such as poinsettia, carnation, crab claw orchid, cyclamen, camellia, poinsettia, Milan, jasmine, etc., should be placed on or near the windowsill where there is plenty of sunshine. Sexual sun can tolerate low temperature or dormant flowers, such as asparagus, rose, sweet-scented osmanthus, citrus, cactus, aloe, etc., can be placed in places with scattered light.

Other flowers that can withstand low temperatures and have fallen leaves or do not require high light can be placed in colder places without sunlight, such as ivy and water lilies.

But do not put any flowers in the place where the air is leaking, lest the cold wind directly blow on the potted flowers to freeze them, and do not put the flowers directly on the radiator or near the coal stove, lest the temperature is too high to burn the leaves or scald the roots.

In addition, indoor ventilation should be maintained, and doors and windows can be opened for ventilation around noon when the temperature is high, which can prevent flowers from falling flowers, leaves or fruits. When giving ventilation, we must also try our best to avoid cold air blowing directly on the plant.

3. Watering

In winter, because the temperature is low, the water used for watering flowers must be stored or dried with utensils, and must not be directly watered with tap water, because the temperature of tap water is too low and poured into the basin soil with a certain temperature will cause a large temperature difference with the basin soil. resulting in plant root system maladaptation, damage to the root system.

Because the winter temperature is falling, the metabolism of the flower becomes slow or dormant, and the amount of water needed is reduced, so the watering of potted flowers should be strictly controlled. If the pot soil is not too dry, do not water, especially some shade-resistant flowers should pay more attention to less watering, otherwise it is easy to lead to rotting and fallen leaves.

The best watering time should be around noon. For some evergreen flowers that like shade and dampness, such as asparagus, tortoise back bamboo, spring feather, taro, camellia, evergreen, etc., they should often wash their leaves with water close to room temperature to clean and remove dust to facilitate plant photosynthesis. Although aloe likes water, it can't be watered every day. It can wait until the soil is very dry.

4. Fertilizer application

In winter, most flowers enter the dormant period, and the roots basically absorb very few nutrients, so it is necessary to reduce or stop fertilization as far as possible, otherwise it will easily lead to root rot.

Indoor flowers that are not dormant in winter, such as evergreen tiger tail orchid, fish tail sunflower, brown bamboo, green pineapple, etc., do not need topdressing when the room temperature is about. If the temperature is low, fertilization can easily lead to root rot, and when it is serious, it will rot. If some flowers have higher requirements for room temperature, above 20 degrees Celsius

And it also blossoms in winter, such as melon-leaf chrysanthemum, cyclamen, primroses, balsam flowers, African impatiens, flamingos, etc., you need to apply thin organic liquid fertilizer every half a month, or a small amount of compound fertilizer. For potted flowers raised in the family, it is best to use "flower-raising and fat tablets".

Or fermented rice water, do not apply odorous fertilizer, so as not to pollute the indoor environment.

Some flowers that like acid soil, such as camellias, rhododendrons, Michelia, orchids, cinnamon, etc., should be given alum fertilizer and water regularly (0.1% ferrous sulfate is added to the soaked water) to make the leaves green and glossy, and the flowers fragrant.

In addition, some flowers can also grow normally when the winter temperature is low, such as cauliflower, cold water, begonia and so on. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can be used reasonably with nitrogen fertilizer. Attention should be paid to the application of less nitrogen fertilizer here, because the absorptive capacity of flowers decreases in winter, and too much nitrogen fertilizer will harm the root system; moreover, applying more nitrogen fertilizer will make the branches and leaves of flowers become tender, which will reduce their cold resistance and disease resistance, which is not conducive to overwintering. Attention should be paid to controlling the amount of fertilizer used when fertilizing.

5. Pest control

When the winter temperature is low and the cold resistance of the plant is weak or declining, it is easy to break out fungal diseases, such as Botrytis cinerea, root rot, blight and so on. In order to ensure the strength of the plant and improve its cold resistance, it is necessary to reduce the humidity of the basin soil, supplemented by chemicals. Insect pests in winter are mainly shell insects and aphids.

Of course, there are relatively few diseases and insect pests in winter, so we should do a good job in protection and prevention at this time. In winter, white coating can not only effectively prevent frost injury and sunburn of flowers and trees in winter, but also greatly improve the disease resistance of flowers and trees, but also destroy the overwintering places of diseases and pests, playing the dual role of both anti-freezing and killing insects. The method of preparing the whitening agent is to hydrate the quicklime and salt, and then add human lard and stone sulfur mixture to stir evenly. Special attention should be paid here: quicklime must be fully dissolved, otherwise it is easy to cause burns when coated on the branches of flowers and trees.

6. Increase air humidity

The air is dry in winter, especially in the north, when the air humidity is too low, it will affect the growth of the flower.

Flowers such as camellia, rhododendron, andrographis, orchid, hanging orchid, asparagus, calamus, Saxifraga and other flowers require that the air relative humidity should not be less than 80%. Magnolia, Fusang, Diaojingzhong, cyclamen, jasmine, rubber tree, tortoise back bamboo, Milan, Michelia, Haitong and cactus require that the air relative humidity should not be less than 60%.

If the humidity is not enough, we can use the method of spraying water, the time of spraying water should be around noon on a sunny day, if it is sprayed on a cloudy day or in the evening, and the temperature is low at night, it is easy to cause frostbite. For some flowers with high humidity requirements, they can be covered with plastic film, which helps to maintain internal air humidity and cold protection, but also prevent plants from falling dust, making plants more bright and lovely. Of course, the bagged flowers should be picked at the right time to let the flowers get some air, otherwise the flowers will lose their resistance because they have been held for a long time.

7. Pay attention to the regular cleaning of leaves

Because the air is relatively dry in winter, there will be relatively more dust on flowers. Dust on flowers not only affects beauty, but also is not conducive to plant photosynthesis, so flowers need to be cleaned in time. You can use a small deterrent to hold a small piece of foam or sponge, dip in a small amount of extremely thin neutral laundry powder and gently scrub the branches and leaves. Immediately after brushing, wash the residual liquid of laundry powder with clean water. And then let it dry naturally.