
How to manage lettuce in greenhouse in winter

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to manage lettuce in greenhouse in winter

Lettuce is a common vegetable in daily life, which is basically grown everywhere in my dog. Now, because the planting technology is becoming more and more mature, it is possible to grow lettuce in winter. Planting lettuce in winter is mainly in greenhouse, but growing lettuce in greenhouse in winter requires us to do a good job of management. So how to manage lettuce in winter greenhouse? Let's take a look at it with the editor.

1. Temperature and humidity management

When planting lettuce in greenhouse in winter, the first thing we should do well is the management of temperature and humidity. Especially in the early stage of lettuce planting, ventilation and humidity reduction should be done according to the actual situation in the shed. In the evening, if the temperature is above zero, you can keep out properly, but it must not be below zero, which should be covered with small arched sheds and grass curtains. During the day, the grass curtain can be opened. After the stem of lettuce begins to expand, the temperature in the shed should be controlled at about 18 degrees during the day. If it exceeds 25 degrees, it should be ventilated in time, and the temperature should be kept above 5 degrees at night.

2. Fertilizer and water management

Then we have to do a good job in fertilizer and water management, which is the key to ensure that lettuce can survive the winter safely. Also after the lettuce is planted, it is necessary to water the roots once, and then water the seedlings again about a week later. In addition, the seedling fertilizer should be applied once with the water, and an appropriate amount of ammonium sulfate should be applied per mu. Then ploughing and loosening the soil for about three times, in the rosette stage of lettuce, should also be fertilized with water once. When the stem of lettuce enters the expansion period, do a good job of watering, and apply an appropriate amount of compound fertilizer, and then the soil should be slightly moist.

3. Pest control

Although the temperature is lower in winter, the vitality of germs and pests will be relatively low. However, we still have to do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. If they are not managed properly, then diseases and insect pests may occur in winter. Prevention of diseases and insect pests should be given priority to, including the management of temperature and humidity. Improper temperature and humidity is the main cause of diseases and insect pests, so we should pay more attention to it. We should often observe the growth of lettuce, rational use of metalaxyl, carbendazim or carbendazim and other agents for prevention and control, after the disease to find out the cause in time, and then symptomatic treatment.

4. Timely harvest

If we need to go public in winter, then we also need to do a good job of harvesting. The harvest standard of lettuce is that the heart leaves are flush with the outer leaves, because at this time the lettuce is basically ripe. The taste is also very high, the quality is good, if the harvest is too late, then the lettuce continues to grow. Continued growth will lead to an increase in the internal crude fiber of lettuce, a deterioration in taste and a decline in quality. If it can not be put on the market in time, then it is necessary to pinch and remove buds of lettuce to inhibit the growth of young stems of lettuce.

The above is a brief introduction to how to manage lettuce in winter greenhouse. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.