
What is the "three-in-one" method of orchids?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is the "three-in-one" method of orchids?

Orchids are very famous flowers in China, and there are many friends who like orchids. As there are more and more orchids, the cultivation methods are different. The "three pots in one" method of orchids is a cultivation method that many flower friends do not understand, but this cultivation method is easier to operate, the editor will introduce it to you in detail.


The so-called "three pots in one" cultivation method is the combination of large, medium and small flowerpots to cultivate orchids. The method is:

1. Choose a large high-tube orchid basin, a No. 3 high-tube orchid basin (try to enlarge the bottom hole with a sharp-nosed chisel), and a small mud basin with an eggshell.

2. First buckle the middle basin into the large basin, aim at the permeable hole of the large basin, and then buckle the small basin upside down on the permeable hole of the middle basin (the caliber of the small basin had better be the same as the bottom of the middle basin. The height is 1/4 or 1/3 of that of the medium basin. Then cover the hole at the bottom of the basin with a small piece of window screen.

3. Disinfect the ramet orchid or downhill orchid in advance, dry the orchid root in the shade, and then gently straighten out the orchid root and put it on the small basin and middle basin in horseback style (do not break the orchid root). Finally, the newly prepared culture soil was gently poured around Langen. After filling the culture soil, hold the pot gently on the board with both hands to enrich the contact between the culture soil and Langen. Then spread a layer of white stone or coarse moss on the surface of the basin soil to isolate the contact between the basin soil and the orchid leaves so as not to infect the germs in the soil.

4. If the culture soil of the orchid is wet, it can not be watered temporarily until 5 days later; if the culture soil is dry, it should be watered immediately and thoroughly after planting. Then put the planted orchids in a ventilated and half-shaded place and rest for half a month to about a month before they can enter normal maintenance.

The advantages of "three pots in one" species of orchids are as follows: 1. Greatly enhance the air permeability of Langen. 2. Because of the hollowness of the orchid basin entity, the high temperature of the environment can avoid the scald of the orchid root in summer. 3. The water permeability is extremely strong, which is beneficial to the development and growth of orchid root and blue bud.