
Several methods of increasing production of Edible Fungi

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Several methods of increasing production of Edible Fungi

1. Scratch method When the hyphae are full of the material surface, gently sweep back and forth on the material surface with a clean bamboo broom to remove or damage the excess hyphae and old hyphae on the surface. After emerging new hyphae, spray water, cover film moisture preservation, 7 days or so can bud mushroom, usually can increase production by about 10%.

2. Shocking method When the culture material is full of hyphae, squeeze and beat the vibrating material surface with elastic wood strips. When operating hard to uniform, leaving no deep marks, do not damage the material surface. This promotes accelerated hyphal growth and rapid differentiation of fruiting bodies. This method is suitable for mushroom, oyster mushroom, phoenix tail mushroom and agaric, etc., and usually can improve the biological efficiency by about 15%.

3. Contact method: Cover the culture surface with old newspaper, linen bag and fine soil. After pressure stimulation, it can promote the rapid growth of hyphae; or insert a sterilized small stick into the material about 2cm deep, and insert the stick density 15cm. 15cm×15cm, so that hyphae grow and spread when touching small sticks, winding them, forming uniform dense hyphae, developing into mushroom buds and fruit bodies, usually about 20% yield.

4, hole filling sand method in the bed material surface hole filling sand, can improve the permeability of the mushroom bed, improve the water retention of the material surface, so that the bed material surface mushroom uniform, large meat thick. The method is: when sowing, use diameter 1. 5 cm, 30cm long conical stick, according to the plant, row spacing are 30cm specifications, into plum blossom shape hole, hole depth to the bottom of the material, two days later, fill yellow sand in the hole (sand should be soaked with 1% potassium permanganate solution disinfection), fill about 1 cm to the high discharge surface, at the same time inject 0. 5% lime water. By adopting this method, fruiting can be advanced 4 days, fruiting spread evenly and plump, and biological efficiency can be increased by 28%.

5, covering plant ash method early spring sowing temperature is low, mycelium growth is slow, and easy to infect miscellaneous bacteria. If a layer of plant ash is scattered on the surface, because plant ash has a strong absorption of light and heat, it can increase the temperature of the bed and promote the rapid development of hyphae. Plant ash can also provide certain nutrients for hyphae, and can inhibit the growth of miscellaneous bacteria, increase production by more than 10%.

6. Magnetized water solution When hyphae are full to the formation of the first tide mushroom, spray 4000 Gauss magnetized water to solve it, which can produce mushrooms 7-15 days earlier, shorten the production period by about 10 days, increase 1-2 tide mushrooms, and increase the yield by more than 15%.