
How to irrigate frozen water in apple orchard

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to irrigate frozen water in apple orchard

After the apple tree enters winter, it will enter the dormant period, when the nutrient components of the plant will flow back from the tree to the root system. Watering frozen water can not only ensure the safety of the fruit tree through the winter, but also lay a solid foundation for the fruit tree. But watering frozen water in apple orchards requires skills, so let's take a look.

1. Winter irrigation time

The winter irrigation time of the apple orchard must be well grasped, and the winter irrigation is too early, when the temperature is relatively high and the evaporation is large, which is not only not conducive to water storage and soil moisture conservation, but also reduces the cold and freezing prevention ability of fruit trees. However, if the winter irrigation is too late, it will cause soil hardening, water can not permeate, resulting in stagnant water freezing, the root system is extremely vulnerable to freezing damage. The best winter irrigation time is 5 centimeters of soil layer with an average ground temperature of 5 degrees, and 3 degrees during the day. Although the night temperature will drop below 0 degrees and freeze occurs, it will be thawed after the temperature rises during the day, and the best winter irrigation time is usually in the middle of November.

2. Irrigation quantity

The amount of water irrigated by fruit trees before winter can be completely permeated on the same day after irrigation, infiltrating into the distribution layer of roots, and 30 cm for young fruit trees and 70 cm for adult fruit trees, and the soil moisture should be kept at 60% and 80% of the maximum water holding capacity. If too little can not meet the needs of fruit trees, but too much will wash the nutrients to places where there is no root distribution, which will not only cause a waste of fertilizer, but also time-consuming and laborious. You can dig a hole outside the tree plate after 2-3 hours of irrigation, so you can see the depth of water seepage.

3. Irrigation method

There are many methods of winter irrigation, such as furrow irrigation, hole irrigation, plate irrigation, drip irrigation and so on. Eggplant furrow irrigation is a more reasonable method for orchard winter irrigation. It first dug the irrigation ditch between the rows of the orchard, the ditch was 25 cm deep, and then irrigated along the ditch, 1.5 meters away from the tree, and filled the ditch after irrigation. The advantage of furrow irrigation is uniform soaking, less evaporation and loss rate of water, which can prevent the destruction of soil structure, is beneficial to the activity of soil microorganisms, and will not cause soil consolidation.

4. Mulching to preserve soil moisture

After irrigation, the orchard can be covered with straw, wheat stubble, straw and weeds to preserve soil moisture and prevent freezing. The mulch can be cut into short sections of about 10 centimeters to avoid being blown up by the wind. If there is no covering condition, the soil can be loosened in time after irrigation, which can effectively prevent and reduce water evaporation.

The above is the introduction of how to irrigate frozen water in apple orchard. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.