
Key points of winter management of Jufeng grape

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Key points of winter management of Jufeng grape

After the beginning of winter, the leaves of Jufeng grape fall off one after another, which seems to be nothing at this time, but in fact, the winter management of Jufeng grape is very important, which is related to the flower bud differentiation and yield of Jufeng grape in the coming year. Let's take a look at the winter management points of Jufeng grape with the editor.

1. Apply sufficient base fertilizer

Jufeng grape after picking in autumn, a lot of nutrients are consumed, so the fallen leaves in winter should be fully fertilized in time to supplement the consumed nutrients and lay the foundation for high yield in the coming year. Base fertilizer is based on rotten farm fertilizer, supplemented by chemical fertilizer. Generally, 7-8 kg of rotten organic fertilizer, 10-20 kg of potassium chloride or potassium sulfate are applied per mu. Do not add quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer when applying base fertilizer.

2. Winter pruning

The pruning of Jufeng grape is different from other grape varieties. The pruning of young Jufeng grape should be trimmed lightly and long, otherwise the phenomenon of flower and fruit drop will be aggravated in the coming year. After pruning, the branches should be tied to the shelf in time according to the principle of shaping the tree, instead of waiting for spring to sprout.

3. Deep ploughing of soil

When applying base fertilizer, the soil can be deeply turned and matured once, which can loosen the soil, promote root growth, and tidy up the drainage system at the same time. It is best to sprinkle some organic fertilizer on the deep ploughed soil, which is very beneficial to the root system and plant growth. On the other hand, for the heavier soil. It should be improved deeply, and some dregs or straw or husk dregs can be put when turning deeply, which can not only increase the looseness and permeability of the soil, but also inhibit the growth of weeds.

4. Clear the garden

The main thing to do in Qingyuan is to clean up the fallen leaves and weeds and burn them centrally, paying attention to the fact that fallen leaves cannot be used as fertilizers, so as not to increase the number of diseases and insect pests in the soil. Then the whole garden was sprayed with Baume 5-degree stone sulfur mixture, and the branches, poles and ground of Jufeng were sprayed comprehensively. When sprouting at the end of February, Baume 3-degree stone sulfur mixture was sprayed again, which could get twice the result with half the effort to control the disease.

5. Winter irrigation

For orchards with severe drought or rapid infiltration of organic fertilizer, winter irrigation can be carried out to speed up the dissolved humidity of organic fertilizer, accelerate fertilizer infiltration, and keep the soil moist. Increase the germination rate. It is suggested that furrow irrigation is better for winter irrigation, which can be dried naturally after the water is flat. If the ground with high groundwater level is fast, it is not necessarily winter irrigation.

The above is the introduction of the winter management of Jufeng grape. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.